Chapter 4: On The Road

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The men disperse to do their part whilst I prepare myself. The castle falls into chaos once more as Arthur sets up all duties whilst he is gone. Gwen follows him, making a note of all that he puts into place so that she can watch over Camelot as she does whenever Arthur is away.

Gwen takes care of Camelot as a child. She tends to its every need, which is why she has made a fitting Queen. I could never even begin to imagine the responsibility, yet she makes it seem so easy. Even when Arthur is struggling, she finds a way to help.

I change into some more comfortable clothes. Simple brown pants and a shirt, covered by outer layers of a tight black man's vest and a grey cloak over the top. Ironically, it feels weird dressing in anything other than a dress. I laugh at myself. It's been so long that I have grown accustomed to wearing a dress. As special someone once told me.

Although I'm with five great warriors, I still arm myself with hidden daggers for safekeeping. I understand that these things can come in handy. After packing all I need, I finally head up to Gauis' chamber. I need to collect some herbs, medicines and equipment for the road.

I arrive to find Gaius has already begun packing a small bag with all the essentials for a wound I may have to treat. I see he has another prepared with other remedies for Merlin to take. I enter, finishing tying off my hair in a braid as I do so.

I take the bag, my heart swelling in gratitude as I check all the remnants inside. "Thank you, Gaius. You didn't have to do that."

"Of course, I did", Gaius beams "there's not a day where you and Merlin would survive without my help. It'll surprise you how much I do for you."

I chuckle, patting Gaius on the shoulder as he passes. "Of course, Gaius. I don't forget."

Gaius comes to a stop in front of me, hands resting on my shoulders for a moment. We peer back at one another before he pulls me into a tight hug. It is as he has done many times before whenever I go anywhere with Arthur, and that is not much.

He does the same to Merlin. Gaius loves us as if we are his own, and he worries about us. I try to tell him not to, but he can't help it. He wants us to be safe, and it's times like this he knows that we may be in danger.

I do enjoy having someone look out for me, as Gaius does. 

"You're sure this is safe?" Gaius asks, still holding me in an embrace.

"I'm sure," I answer.

Truthfully, I hadn't given it much thought. Thinking about it, going into a criminal infested maze isn't reassuring. I hadn't thought of how dangerous this could be. Perhaps that is a little of the old nieve Edythe coming through. I had lived for so long among people like that that I didn't even think for a moment how dangerous this was. Sudden nausea overwhelms me.

"A festival of criminals doesn't sound like a well-disposed place, Edythe. I know you know their tendencies well. But you are different now" Gaius guides me. "You have much to lose now, which leaves you very vulnerable. It frightens me."

I nod, understanding his words. The pit in my stomach seems to grow as the weight of the situation sets in. "I know Gaius. But these people are not the worst there is. They're quite friendly compared to...."

My mind wanders for a moment. Various faces flash over my mind, one in particular lingering for a moment longer than the others. I push the thought aside, having not mustered up memories of them in a very long time, and have refused to do so forever.

"Compared to who?" Gaius questions, eyes bearing through me.

"No one!" I cover, bringing my thoughts back to the present. I place a reassuring smile on my lips. Yet it does not reach my eyes. "This should be fine, Gaius. No need to worry yourself. We'll have Merlin with us, and five skilled warriors, and well me! We'll be fine."

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