Chapter 16: The Rebels

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Being amongst the trees within the dark, dense forest again brings peace to my soul. The ice-cold air bites against my cheeks, but I welcome it. I didn't realise how tense I was from simply being inside those dark confining walls. Being out in the open, free, clears my mind and grounds me. Black cloak conceals me within the darkness, the hood flapping around my face in the wind.

I take in a deep breath I didn't realise I had been holding, a small smile creeping onto my lips with the fresh heavenly air.

"I see your spirits are returning", Kohl notes, his seemingly permanent smile on his lips.

I peek at Kohl, his tall figure lingering beside me in the darkness, also covered by a long dark cloak. "It's the forest. It never fails to get me in a good mood," I gleam, letting my cloak freely flow behind me despite the frozen air.

Kohl chuckles.

Turning to walk backwards, I observe Kohl. I want to see if his calm and professional demeanour changes in the forest. I only see the same stature and stride–even his face remains neutral, a proper high lord appearance. He's a complete mystery.

"So, how does a noble lord end up in a place like Ronon's court?" I ask, deciding to pull whatever information I can.

Kohl raises an eyebrow, looking down at me in amusement as I continue to walk backwards. "What makes you think I could be a noble lord?"

I glance over my shoulder to make sure I won't trip and back to Kohl, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Well. For one, your clothing. It's far too new and shiny to be something a thief or rugged slave trader would wear. It brings too much attention. Unless, of course, you want attention, which many high noblemen demand."

Kohl appears impressed, waiting for me to continue.

"Then there's your stature. Perfect posture. An elegance that thugs around here don't exhibit. And your vocabulary is clearly that of high education. No way just anyone would be so highly educated."

Kohl nods, lips pulled in a cocky smirk.  "Hm. You're very perceptive."

"I just like to know who I'm talking to is all", I offer, returning to walk normally as a log approaches. "Which kingdom are you from?"


My eyebrows raise in surprise. "You haven't ventured very far."

"No. I'm within perfect distance from my home," Kohl agrees, "although I haven't been to my home for a long time. Ronon needs me to talk with Lot. Cendred was far easier to deal with. He knew what was going on but never demanded anything from Ronon. They had an understanding. Thus how I joined The Wolf's family."

"Then Cendred died," I add, intrigued.

Kohl lifts himself over a log by the branch of a tree. "Yes. Lot hates Ronon on his land but has no power to launch an attack. He could take Lot's kingdom for himself if Ronon wanted, but Ronon's grace allows him to remain.

"I make the tradings, the dealings and be the voice for Ronon in Lot's court. I'm too busy to go home to my estate. I haven't seen it in years. My life has been taken from me," Kohl explains with bitterness in his voice. "Originally, I joined the family out of defiance and ignorance. But as you know, once you join the family, there's no way out, and you become Ronon's puppet."

"You want out."

"I want my freedom back", Kohl corrects. "I thought I didn't have any under Cendred's rule...oh how wrong I was. I wish I could go back to the days under Cendred's rule. Those were prosperous days."

I snicker. "Cendred wasn't much better. He did just as sketchy and powered hungry moves as Ronon. Why would you want that?"

Kohl chuckles. "I never said I was a saint, Edythe. All my life, I've done shady things. It's always been my family's way. Sure, we are of noble birth. But we work with whoever is the winning side at the time." 

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