Chapter 7: Blood Must Have Blood

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"Hello, Blaze", I responded bitterly.

"Look at you, all grown up", Blaze comments, eyeing me up and down. "And I must say you turned out ravishing."

"I'd like to say you're looking good yourself...but I wouldn't be honest then, would I?" I tease. I remain happily guarded by Leon's arm, the knight seeming only to pull me closer as Blaze approaches.

"Come now, Edythe. I was only playing," Blaze replies, now sharing a mocking glare with Leon. The Knight sends back daggers. "Tell your boyfriend here to put down his sword, or I'm going to have to teach him a lesson."

"Leon, put your sword down", I insist in a low tone. I gently grasp his lower arm.

Leon turns to me with a frown, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I nod to him, trying to keep the fear from showing on my face too much, but I know he can see it because Leon's face softens. I see my fear reflect on his face as if my unbeknownst fear to him is worth fretting over. Which it is.

Leon lowers his sword to the ground but doesn't budge from my side.

The other knights look on in question and shock. I nod to them as well, indicating they should do the same. The group looks amongst themselves, unsure. Arthur stands steady, holding Merlin behind him as he looks at me with a bit of anger and fear. I mouth to him, 'Stay quiet, trust me'. The King gives me a nod, lowering his sword, although he does so with reluctance. The other knights follow in pursuit, also annoyed by my orders.

I'm going to have to explain a lot later. 

"So, care to tell me how it is that you come to be with knights of Camelot?" Blaze asks, still staring down Leon and Leon him.

My eyes survey the group, brain working hard to devise excuses and lies. I know that's the only way we're getting out of here alive. "I'm working. You know how it is."

"Working?" Blaze questions, narrowing his eyes on me now. "With Knights?"

"W-well. The King of Camelot wanted my help. He had a very special artifact stolen from his volts and, well, hired me to get it back. And he sent his five best knights to accompany me," I spin my lies. I emphasise the word five so that Arthur knows I'm trying to cover his identity. I glance over at him, Arthur giving the nod in understanding. 

"And a servant?"

"He's a healer. Comes in handy."

Blaze observes the group strolling amongst us. Leon turns with him, pulling me to stay behind him. Arthur makes a similar gesture with Merlin. The other knights stand around their King for protection, but not enough to be suspicious.

Blaze looks doubtful with my story but continues to play my game anyways. "The dimwitted King of Camelot hired you?" a smirk grows on his lips.

"I worked for King Olaf a few years back. He passed on a good word for me. So naturally, the King of Camelot knew who the best person for the job was," I brag. If I partly tell the truth, it may cover my lies.

My heart thuds in my chest fast. Blaze knows me. He knows my techniques. I hope they work on him.

"Hm, I did hear about that", Blaze hums in thought. There's some credit to my story, but it doesn't quench his suspicion. "You went silent after that. We presumed you to be dead. Or settling down on a quaint little farm...but we guessed the latter was more likely."

"Oh no. I just went on the down-low for a little bit. You can't let yourself too much into the light. You taught me that," I gush, a fake smile forming on my lips.

Blaze returns a toothy grin. "Oh, how Ronon would love to see you again."

My smile falters with the mention of his name. "I don't think that would be necessary."

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