Chapter 31: For Edythe

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Third Person P.O.V.

The knights follow Arthur into the gaping hole of the blown up wall. Chaos erupts around them as people flee for the exits, a group of men rallying into the massing on a mission to attack. They quickly realise that the rebels are the men and women rallying, all beginning to attack Ronon's men.

Arthur halts, turning to his men. "Let's split up and help the rebels as best as you can. We'll meet at the hall to get Edythe and Merlin."

The men nod to their King, Leon and Percival, joining one another to venture toward the castle's north side. Arthur, Elyan and Gwaine make for the castle's southern side, following behind the rebel rally to take on Ronon's army.

Leon and Percival, fighting off many of Ronon's men, find that the northern side of the castle has all mostly been evacuated. The two continue to deal with any of the remaining guards, tired from the tournament but desperate to escape.

The two knights jog around the dark corner, coming to an abrupt halt as a figure appears at the end of the hall. Both the knights share a glance of recognition before their eyes return to the figure. Blaze stands at the other end of the hall, whistling to himself as he pushes off the wall.

"Afternoon, gentleman", he greets, chucking aside the broken spear he held in hand.

As the wood bounces across the floor, Leon and Percival notice the body on the ground, one of the other champions they had only minutes earlier been fighting.

"You see, I can't let our champions go running off just yet", Blaze states, noticing their gazes. "None of you have won yet."

"Let this end, Blaze. What use do you have for us anymore?" Leon calls. "You have the rebels to worry about."

"Yeah, but the pleasure of fighting and winning against one of the great Knights of Camelot –the greatest knights in the five kingdoms–just seemed too good to pass up", Blaze explains, pulling his sword from his hip. "And boy was I hoping it would be you, Leon."

Percival glances toward Leon, surprised to see the knight fuming. "Can't deny I was hoping to have a crack at you myself, " Leon answers, tightening his grip on his sword.

Blaze's smirk widens. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

Leon peers up at Percival. "I'll buy you as much time as I can."

"Leon-" Percival starts in defiance.

"Go. Warn the others," Leon pushes.

Percival looks between Leon and Blaze, letting out a deep sigh of annoyance. "You better meet us at the hall."

"Wouldn't miss it", Leon grins.

The two knights lock arms, giving each other nods before Percival begins to jog back down one of the various hallways.

"Are you knights always so pretentious?" Blaze questions, casually strolling down the hall toward Leon.

"Are you always all talk and no bite?" Leon mimics, also walking down the hallway.


Both men push with all their strength against each other, the two tumbling back from the brute force. Leon quickly regains his balance leaping forward with a cry as he drives his sword toward Blaze. Blaze quickly rolls away from Leon's attack, barreling-rolling to his feet.

"You know, you're actually living up to that reputation of yours", Blaze mocks, smirking in excitement.

"Do you ever shut up?" Leon puffs in annoyance as he attacks once again.

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