Chapter 20: The Second Trial

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Third Person P.O.V.

The cries of the crowd die out fast, darkness sweeping over all the men in one quick swoop. All goes silent, every man becoming blind and confused by their surroundings. Leon remains still, turning on the spot as he tries to regain his bearings, the only sound filling his ears the sound of his heavy breathing.

"Gwaine?" he whispers, his own voice bringing a flinch out of the knight as it is the only response. "Arthur?" he adds.

No response.

Leon continues to call for his friends and fellow knights but only receives the response of silence. Leon holds onto his sword with a firm grip, knuckles almost turning white from the force.

After what feels like an eternity, Leon takes a step forward, venturing into the darkness blind. He can't see beyond his nose, his voice never hitting walls, seemingly travelling forever into the consuming black pit. He doesn't walk fast, fearing finding a ledge, or a wall, or perhaps one of Ronon's traps.

Leon holds his sword out in front of him, but not straight in case he runs into another person or one of his friends. The knight flinches as his sword contacts a wall, creating a loud clunk. Leon nudges forward, his hand extended out. His gloved palm finds the stone wall, its cold touch burning through his glove.

Leon follows the wall, hand still placed on it as he ventures on further. Suddenly, the wall stops and vanishes from his hand. The knight reaches around in the dark, unable to find the wall again until he backtracks. His hand finds the wall again, the knight running his hand along it to find that he had found a corner. Leon turns down the corner, discovering a very narrow hall, his shoulders almost squished between two walls. Leon follows the hall, one hand remaining on one of the walls, the other holding his sword in front of himself. Leon has to duck his head, the roof seemingly getting lower and lower the further he goes.

Being unable to see, Leon has no idea if this is the right path, but he continues anyway, not having many options. After travelling for a long distance, the hall or tunnel or whatever seems to go on forever. Up ahead, Leon notices a faint light, his eyes squinting as if trying to decipher if the light is natural or not.

He can make out a small square opening further up, the knight having to fall to his knees to crawl out from the hall. He's suddenly engulfed by light, his eyes squinting even harder at the sudden burst of sunlight. Leon pulls himself to his feet, looking up at the light's source. 

Worlds above his head, Leon can see a roof so far above him it makes Leon feel like he's falling. A large crack in the stone roof allows a little sunlight to sprinkle into the...cavern? Or a cave? Leon can't quite tell. 

Leon turns on his heel to get a better look at his surroundings, breathless as he sees the vast, towering stone walls. To his left are three different halls, each leading in a different direction. Other holes and archways lead into different hallways inside the three larger hallways. To his right are more hallways. These have multiple levels, some going under the ground, others going up, and others straight ahead. On the ground are also some holes. Leon looks down one, finding that there are more hallways and tunnels down it.

Leon finds his breath beginning to grow, body tensing as he sees what this tournament stage entails. A maze. He shakes his head, confused as Edythe had told them that the labyrinth would make them see things play with their minds. He didn't think he'd have to also navigate through a maze filled labyrinth as well. Leon continues to turn on his heels, deciding which direction he should attempt even to venture.

"Leon!" an agonised voice screams. The knight turns in the direction of the voice. It's a cry coming from down the middle-larger hallway. "Help me please!" it wails in pain.

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