Chapter 30: The Beginning of the End

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Edythe's P.O.V.

The loud boom of an explosion catches everyone's attention: even the champions below, mid-combat, pause to look in the direction of the eruption. Everyone watched in horror as the vast flame suddenly tore through the western side of the castle, many of the seated audience becoming engulfed in it as it swept like a wave through the wall stopping in a cloud of smoke once the brick had been thrown inward. Cries and screams erupt through the crowd, Ronon jumping from his seat.

The smoke and dust slowly disappear, flowing through the arena to reveal the giant gaping hole from within the wall, creating an exit from the arena into the various halls of the castle. As everyone registers, silence falls over the crowd and the castle for a few heartbeats.

The remaining remnants of the explosion disperse as the first competitor from the arena makes a sprint for the gap. In a blink of an eye, all the remaining competitors make a battle crying sprint for the hole, audience members beginning to scream and run for exits.

Ronon growls. "What's going on? What happened?"

As his words leave his lips, the doors into the hall burst open, a man I believe to be a family member runs to Ronon in a panic. "My lord! The rebels! They're here! In the Castle!"

Ronon lets out a feral growl, ripping his cloak from his shoulders and drawing his sword. "I want every able man chopping every last one of those traitorous bastards down! You hear me! No one is to be left standing–no one!"

Chaos ensues as everyone runs to carry out orders.

I stand firm, gripping onto my chains as Ronon charges toward me. He grabs a fist full of my shirt, pulling me tight against his chest as he snarls down at me. "I hope you're happy, Edythe. Cause I will make you watch as I flay every last one of the rebel leaders. And you're precious Knights too."

I stumble as he throws me back, Merlin catching me. I gasp for breath, watching as Ronon and the rest of his men leave the room, preparing for war. The click of the lock echoed through the hall, interrupted by the cries of chaos down below in the arena.

"What now?" Merlin asks, holding me up straight.

My chest heaves, knowing that now is our chance. If we want to escape, now is the time. But we can't just run. No, we can't leave the rebels to fight on their own. We must complete the task we were given. Even if it means dying, we have to defeat Ronon. Otherwise, this will never end. Camelot will turn to dust, and everything and everyone I love will become nothing.

"Now, Merlin", I start, pulling from his hold to hold out my cuffed wrists. "Now you finally have permission to use that magic of yours."

Merlin gaps down at me in shock, ready to protest. But he sees the stern look, knowing that I'm prepared to fight. He nods, holding out his palm toward my chains, and I lean away to avoid contact with the burst of metal. Merlin's crystal eyes glow a bright gold, my chains bursting apart and flying across the room.

I rub my bruised wrist, watching as Merlin's chains also fly across the room, over the ledge into the arena below. We both share a smirk.

"Let's get to work."

Merlin and I make our way through the large doors. Merlin uses his magic to burst the lock open, the wood bursting apart in splinters. The guards outside the door let out a cry of shock and advance on us, Merlin deflecting them with his magic. The men fly back across the hallway into the wall. We continue as though nothing had happened, marching at a steady pace. I pick up one of their swords as we pass, gesturing for Merlin to follow.

We march down the hallways, more confident than we have been in weeks now at our full capacity, Merlin with his magic and me free to fight without worries of being caught. I engage in a quick sword fight with one of Ronon's men, easily defeating him and driving my sword through his abdomen. I feel a strange glee, finally letting off all the steam I've had pent up.

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