Chapter 8: Ronon

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I follow Blaze, muscles tense as we enter the tall, dark castle. The knights, Arthur and Merlin, are dragged behind us by various men, forcing us into the Castle. As we enter the halls, it's almost like the entire outside world ceases to exist. The natural sunlight completely disappears, blocked out by the consuming darkness. Shadows dance across the walls, a few torches creating an eerie glow in blinding darkness.

The hallways are as narrow as I remember them, simple arche ways that go on for lengths at a time. Every hallway is similar and seems identical. There are no windows. The whole castle is a maze, riddled with various rooms and hidden passageways. For outsiders, it would be impossible to navigate. Those who live here know tricks used to memorise the haunted halls.

It's like this throughout the castle, up all flights and levels. I remember it very well. I saw this as a prison for a long time, one that I could not leave without losses to give in return. From the outside, no one could tell, but in the centre of the castle, it is hollow. It is not a castle, but a square structure made of stone, like walls, hiding the murderous arena within.

It is there the knights will have to fight for their lives. In that arena, so many men have died for the immortal life. Their deaths made a sport for the disgusting pleasure of watchers.

Most don't know that there is a labyrinth beneath the castle. It takes up a fast network of tunnels under the earth. Part of it is where prisoners and campions are imprisoned. Another part is used for the tournament itself.

The journey to the main hall is long. It takes several flights of stairs and hundreds of hallways and passages to find. This is to disorientate prisoners. It makes them unaware of their surroundings and only adds to the illusion of a different world.

We finally reach the tall burnt wooden doors, its hinges rusted and crevices like ash. The men standing guard don't say a word, Blaze giving them a simple glance, and they pull the doors open. The hinges let out a scream, doors falling back to reveal the black stoned room I remember so vividly.

The 'hall' is like a massive cave. The stone is burnt black from a dragon hundreds of years ago. As we enter, to the left lies the ledge overlooking the arena. A distant glow blinds us from the outside sunlight. The long wooden table full of the most trusted family and council members is to our right. They all observe us with their scary and filthy faces.

So many of them are new faces, almost all different people from who I can remember. Often there is a new seat available as no one ever keeps a chair for long. Few have done so, Blaze holding the title of the longest member in history. His seat lays empty at the very end of the table, a few others also vacant.

Then, ahead of us in the centre of the back wall lays the carving of a throne. It's carved out of the stone, which now looks like marble from the dragon's breath. The throne was cut to be tall and pointed, almost looking like the fire itself. The design was to be menacing and scary. To deter anyone from questioning its ruler.

As my eyes fall upon the man seated on the throne, my limbs turn limp. All emotion, fear or anger, ceases. He remains unchanged, hair a little longer, but otherwise exactly as I remember him. He appears as if he was in deep conversation, but I see it disappearing in his eyes with our arrival.

His bright glowing gold eyes meet mine, a feeling of dread filling the pit of my stomach. A shocked smile grows on his scarred face.

"Ronon!" Blaze calls in greeting. "Look what I found."

Ronon sits forward in his seat, eyes focused on me as if trying to determine if his eyes are deceiving him. "Edythe", he chimes, his smile somehow growing wider. "How long has it been?"

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