Chapter 22: According to Plan

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Edythe's P.O.V.

On the outside, I look calm, but inside, my heart is about to leap out of my chest and run away screaming. My stomach turns and pulls so much I fear I may vomit. No news has come about what is occurring under us in the catacombs. Many remaining family members have turned to me, but I have not been able to answer.

Not one champion has emerged from within the labyrinth, only fuelling the anxiety clawing at my insides. Ronon's magic shouldn't be as focused on the trial anymore, now turned on Merlin's in the catacombs. I pray to the gods that Aro is in chains and not Merlin.

The crowd gasps and begins to cheer, forcing my gaze from the distance to the door below. A champion emerges, his clothing dishevelled and blood seeping through his clothes. I don't think it is his own. A look of pure horror fixes on his pale face, the champion realising that he is the first and only one to have made it out so far.

A glimmer of chainmail catches my eye, my legs almost thrusting me to my feet as I see the tall giant knight of Camelot. I feel some pause knowing that Percival is okay. The knight heaves for breath, his sword long lost and forgotten as his empty hands try to steady his chest. Percival looks around a face of horror in finding that none of his friends has emerged. His eyes meet mine.

Percival looks up to me as if pleading with me to reassure him, but all I can do is shake my head. No, the others haven't emerged yet. Shattered pain washes over Percival's face. He wishes he was still in there, that he had found any of the others, or at least his king.

More champions emerge though they are few in number. With every champion, I grow more ill. Every passing minute tears are my soul.

Elyan emerges first, bringing me to breathe out in relief. Then Arthur comes into view, and a wave of dizziness comes over me. My brother is safe, my best friend's brother and my friend are safe. Three of five accounted for. Percival embraces Elyan and locks his arms with Arthur, relief finally coming to him knowing that his king is safe.

Arthur looks up to me and offers a weak smile. I offer one back, nervously looking back toward the door. Arthur looks back also before giving me a nod in agreement. There are still two unaccounted knights, both extremely dear to me—my two closest friends. I pray to see Gwaine's mischievous grin again, to feel the warm embrace of Leon's voice.

More champions emerge, which comes to a count of 13 remaining champions—less than a quarter of what was at the start of the first trial. More guards disappear from their stations, reminding me of another battle going on elsewhere.

Time passes, and no more champions emerge, time ticking away. The end of five hours seems to approach quickly, the sun beginning to veer downward towards dusk. I begin to lose hope, especially as one of Ronon's advisers whispers to me. "Ronon is attending to business and apologises for missing out on the second trial. He requests that you conduct the closing ceremony."

I nod to the adviser. "Of course. Thank you."

As I make to stand before the audience, a loud gasp sweeps throughout the arena. My breath hitches, and my heart stops for a moment. Cheers of excitement burst throughout the arena as the fifth-hour strikes. Gwaine and Leon emerge from the doorway, Leon holding Gwaine up as they exit. I feel the need to run down to them but stop myself.

Pure joy washes over me, a smile planting on my face as I see them alive and safe. Even if they both appear to be injured, they are alive, and that's what matters.

"Well, wasn't that just riveting?" I call out the crowd, now standing at the apex of the box in front of Ronon's throne. The crowd cheers back to me in excitement, a few of the wealthier men grumbling as they exchange their money from losing bets.

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