Chapter 33: Small Victories

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The pain was the worst I have ever felt in my life. It burned through my back like a white-hot iron as Merlin dug around for the blade in my back. Leon's hand must have been crushed by the time I passed out, all sense of strength and the world around me falling away as I gave into the searing pain. I screamed, but no sound found my ears as it tore through my very being. It only ceased when the world went black, and the abyss took me.

There are no dreams, no bright white light to carry me away, just complete and utter darkness. I feel like I'm swimming in it, swirling around slowly as the tide takes me away. It is comforting, like a gentle caress. I would like to stay here in this ethereal state, free of worry and pain, but my body beacons me back. I have no choice in the matter, being swept back like a fast current toward my body on the physical plane.

I come to a still, the first song of birds filling my ears. Then I feel pain. Complete and utter pain in my lower back. I let out an audible groan, eyes slowly stirring as I come to. My head pounds without mercy, but I force my eyes to open. The sun's bright light is too much for my sensitive eyes, and I feel too stiff to shield my eyes.

"Edythe?" a familiar soft voice calls. It sounds distant, but the more I wake, the sounds of the morning fill my ears. I finally manage to crack my eyes open, the sun now shielded by someone. His silhouette slowly morphs, my eyes adjusting to see the light brown curls and dimpled smile peering down at me. "Hey", Leon whispers, his voice soothing.

I force a smile to my lips, not wanting to show the pain. Finally awake, I realise that I'm laid on my stomach, pillows propping me up to relieve my back of pressure. I can't find the will to pull myself up; the pain literally crippling me. The faded forest green curtains confirm that I'm in my room in Ronon's castle. Leon's hand is in mine, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles. The meer touch brings me a comfort I cannot explain.

I hum, trying to focus on the touch rather than the pain in my lower back. "What happened?"

"Ronon's dead", Leon starts, voice barely above a whisper. "The rebels have taken the castle, and they've already named Leitta an interim leader for now."

With each of Leon's words, my fogged mind clears, visions of what happened coming back to memory. " he–?"

"Arthur is fine", Leon reassures. "We're all fine. Gwaine is already causing trouble."

I chuckle softly. "Of course he is."

Being reminded of my best friend brings the memories flashing back of Merlin taking the stone in hand, of the searing pain in my back–Jackson. My teeth clench as the ache quenches my chest. "Jackson...did he...."

Leon shakes his head softly, his smile dropping from his lips. "I'm sorry, Edythe."

Although the tears ripple in the back of my eyes, they do not fall. I have shed many tears over the passing days, and I have none left to give. It is not that their deaths do not bring me great pain, but rather that I have shut down from it. The pain has broken me of any emotion.

Feeling empty and drained of all life, I give Leon's hand a squeeze to remind myself that he, Arthur and the others are fine. "How bad is it?" I ask, daring to know. "My back."

Leon presses his lips, eyes fluttering to the covered wound as if seeing it through the blankets and bandages. "Merlin did as you asked. It stopped the bleeding. But Gaius says it will need more attending to."

My heart does a leap. "Gaius?"

Leon chuckles softly. "Yes, sorry. Arthur sent word to Camelot. Gwen came immediately with a company of knights and Gaius."

The news brings me joy, a warmth returning to my chest, reminding me that I can still at least feel something. "That means...I was asleep for a few days?" I ask, the realisation hitting me, but I have no strength to think about it.

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