Chapter 14: Dangerous Waters

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My breath is heavy, skin hot with sweat from the anxiety and fear. Ronon examines the sapphire necklace, eyes narrowing to observe anything wrong. I'm not afraid I got the wrong necklace. I know it's what he wanted me to retrieve. It's the secret that terrifies me.

Leitta's words run over my mind repeatedly, making my shoulders feel heavy. No amount of food has filled the empty feeling in my stomach since I saw her. It's like I have knowledge that I shouldn't, and having it in Ronon's presence makes me feel somehow that he'll know. That somehow he'll see straight through me, and I'll be done for.

"Well done, Edythe", Ronon praises, returning the necklace to a cupboard in his room. "I knew you still had it in you."

"I owe you", I offer, keeping my voice steady. "How could I say no?"

"Yes, but you still prove to be a loyal daughter is what I mean", Ronon continues, locking the cupboard with a click of the key. He turns to face me with a wide grin.

Daughter. I had never heard him refer to me as such. I have often heard I was like a daughter but never referred to as a daughter. Leitta's words come back to me, only accelerating my heart rate more. 'He believes you to be a daughter....'

Following my stunned expression, Ronon chuckles, pushing himself off the cupboard. He approaches me with slow strides. "I would like you to join us for a meeting later. A family meeting."

My mouth gaps open. "A meeting? But I'm not a family member anymore. I can't possibly-"

"You will come," Ronon commands, hands clasped behind his back as he comes to a stop. "Because I declare it to be so. I don't care that you're not a family member, Edythe. For now anyway."

My heart skips a beat. For now.

"I value your opinion, and as you know, I want to convince you to stay with us. For good this time," Ronon offers. "Besides, you still owe me one last favour. And I would rather you be in the know and prepared for when I ask it of you."

Despite my thumping heart and sweaty palms, I force a smile and nod. "We will see. But I do enjoy my free lifestyle, to live as I wish on the road...but I suppose, if it means so much to you. I can stay for a little while and maybe give some advice in court."

The words sting me, but I know what I have to do now. At that moment, I knew that I couldn't beat him. Ronon gets what he wants. Leitta is right. Doing things my way isn't going to work. I have to join the rebels if I want to get out of here.

Even if I followed my original plan, I would never leave. I see that now. Ronon will never let me go. I must fight with the rebels. I must join them. Even if that means I have to be a leader. I must join them for my own sake and my family's.

"Very good", Ronon hums. "I will see you at the meeting then."

I can't get away fast enough, my heart pounding like an army of men thundering in a march. I need to get back to Merlin. I need to tell him everything. I need to devise a plan to meet this Kohl, who I still have to find first. I need to see the knights and tell them that I have finally made some progress in their escape.

Lastly, I need to prepare myself for the war brewing and the final battle. I know what I have to do. I know that I will have to deceive Ronon as best as possible, and I will have to lead an army of rebels into war.

This is what we all wanted, to escape. But now, it has become far more complicated than that. Leitta is right. I can't let Ronon have a hold over anyone or anything ever again. I can't let him manipulate me again. No matter how frightened I may be, I have to put those feelings aside, no matter how small I feel. I need to grow up.

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