Chapter 34: Death Is Not The End

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The wooden wheels creak and groan under the weight, trudging through the mud. Although it seemed like a strange suggestion, I didn't rebel against it, needing to get out of that horrid castle and into the sun. I take a deep breath, relishing in the fresh air as I lean back in the wooden wheeled chair.

"Admit it. You've been looking for an excuse to use me as your personal slave," Gwaine huffs, pushing the wheeled chair up the last stretch of hill. Well, it's not really a hill, more like a gradual elevation.

I smirk. "If I was turning you into a slave, Gwaine, there are several chores I would have you doing besides pushing me around in a wheeled chair."

Gwaine blows a raspberry in defiance, his spit falling all over the top of my head. I shriek, flinching away in disgust, trying to avoid the projectile.

"If I didn't know you, I would almost think that statement was an invitation to your bed," Gwaine thinks aloud, no longer struggling as we find flat ground. "Although I suppose you have Leon for that now."

I gasp, turning in the seat to smack him. Gwaine shrinks away, trying to dodge my advances and continue pushing me simultaneously.

"You are insufferable, Gwaine!" I whine, turning back in my seat defiantly to hide the glowing red of my cheeks.

"But seriously though, are you and Leon a thing now? Or not?" Gwaine demands. "Because I am so confused."

"And what exactly has elected you to ask in your confusion?" I request, waving air in my face to try and calm my burning cheeks.

I can practically feel Gwaine's cocky grin through the back of my skull. "Oh well, seeing as it was Leon's hand you wanted to hold when you were in pain, and it was Leon you requested to be there for Gaius' assistant, and that it was Leon who was by your bedside twenty-four seven–"

"Okay, okay, I get your point", I interrupt, ushering him to a stop with my hand. "So what if we were?"

"Uh, well, for one, it would be about damn time", Gwaine shrieks behind me, pulling us to a stop in a field overseeing a stream. The knight appears by my side, his bruises almost completely gone. "And I need god-children so–"

"Hey, hey, slow it down there, Mom", I retaliate, instantly feeling uncomfortable with the mention of children. That is the last thing I have on my mind right now. Not that I did before either. Maybe one day, but I would like to live my life for now! "All that's happened is we agree we like one another, nothing yet to report, sir."

Gwaine smirks, hands shoved in his pockets. He rocks on his heels like a child receiving a present. "I'm going to have to give that git a few tips on how to ask a lady to court him properly."

I narrow my eyes up at Gwaine, turning to look out at the stream defiantly. "I think the last thing Leon needs is courting advice from you."

Gwaine gasps as if offended. "You do not think my methods appropriate."

I raise an eyebrow, glancing over to Gwaine with a questionable expression. "I most certainly do not."

Gwaine grumbles like a child, crossing his arms. "I dislike you somedays."

I smirk, shoving Gwaine with my hand. "Oh, come on, you love me."

The two of us chuckle, enjoying a moment of silence in each other's presence as we bake in the sun and breathe in the fresh air. Despite being unable to feel the soft soil under my feet, I do not mind. Even without using my legs, I feel far freer than yesterday.

"I do love you", Gwaine offers, his voice soft and distant. "I hope you know that."

His words touch my heart, bringing me to reach for his hand. Gwaine offers me a smile as we lock hands. "I do know that, Gwaine. And I love you too." Gwaine leans down to pull me into an embrace. I squeeze him, glad that he has not changed and will forever be my best friend, my rock through all of this.

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