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Various parchments lay scrunched and scattered around my room. My quill remains quenched in ink, but nothing scribbles across the paper. Nothing I write seems to be right. No matter how many times I have rephrased what I want to say, I can't seem to express them in the right words. My blue orbs peer over at the silver necklace hanging on my mirror, the silver raven's wings outstretched in a stride to capture its prey—Kohl's family crest.

My eyes fall back down to the page, my heart swelling with memory as I remember the fear on Kohl's face as he thought of his sister in Ronon's hands. I feel sick thinking about the years stolen from them, Kohl having never been home in years.

Closing my eyes and envisioning Kohl, slowly, my hand begins to move the quill, my eyes opening as the words flood from within my mind.

Dear Lyanna,

We have not met, yet I feel like I know you. My name is Edythe, a close friend of your brother, Kohl. He gave me more than I could ever have asked of someone, and I, in great regret, will never get to repay him for his kindness.

I do not know if you have heard, but I must inform you of Kohl's passing with great sorrow. It was not for nothing, and Kohl died with cause, and he knew of the consequences.

Kohl loved you, Lyanna, more than life itself. Although he never spoke it, I knew. II know the feeling of having a brother of my own whom I cherish beyond words. In Kohl's moment of passing, all he feared was for you. He died with love in his heart. His love is why I am writing to you. I wish to return his necklace, your family sigil, as a token of gratitude. I know it does not bring Kohl back, nor does it spare me the pain of knowing I did this to him. But it is so that maybe you could find peace.

The estate and anything else your family owns is in your hands now. I know not what will become of you or your family's legacy, but I have faith that you will find your way. If ever you need anything, please, send for me. I will be in Camelot. Always. And I mean it. Anything.

I hope one day we can meet, Lyanna.

With love,


I sign the letter to Kohl's sister. Arthur found her for me, ensuring that I would be able to send a letter to her. Signing the letter makes me feel a sense of release, finally sharing that connection I've felt with her. I finally let go of Kohl's ghost and feel a weight lift from my chest in writing this letter. As I finish signing the page, I glance over my shoulder, almost sensing that Kohl is there. It's as if the breeze on my cheek is Kohl giving a caress of thanks before he leaves. It leaves me feeling uplifted.

The Red Knight - Merlin BBC [2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora