Chapter 26: The Wolf's Fury

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I'm dead.

I gave up on pleading with Blaze and gave up on trying to fight against the guards. There is nothing I can do, and I have condemned myself and my friends to a cruel fate.

I'm dead.

I don't know how Ronon found out or what gave me away, but what I do know is that I am a goner. I'm already dead. Nothing I say will persuade Ronon otherwise. At least I will die with the knowledge that the emerald is in the hands of the rebels, and they will complete the plans for the grand finale of the red tournament. My friends may still have a chance. But I have no chance.

Guards pull open the doors into the hall, revealing a crowd of family members waiting inside. Ronon sits upon his throne above everyone, retreating to the only thing he has. His power. His golden eyes bear on me with hatred and fury I had hoped never to receive. This is the end.

The guards toss me to the ground, the stone ripping into the soft flesh of my palms. I cry out as I tumble forward, knees and hands bleeding from the contact. I had been stripped of my coat and belongings to the bare nothing of my undershirt and leather pants. Even my boots were ripped from me, leaving my naked feet to pad against the cold floor.

Despite the shaking of my lips and the quivering of my chin, I sit up onto my heels, looking up at Ronon defiantly. If I am to die, I will do it with some dignity, and I will not go out crying and begging for mercy.

The room's silence could pierce flesh like a blade, the family all gazing upon me, some with shock and others with satisfaction.

"Tell me, Edythe", Ronon begins, his voice deep and intrusive. It echoes through the dark hall in a rumble. "How it is that you are bold enough to come into my receive my hospitality...and then lie to my face?"

I try to control my breathing, but the rise and fall of my chest are untamable. "I...I don't know what you're talking about."

"DON'T LIE TO ME", Ronon snarls, his voice drowning out all sound. The family all bow their heads, slinking away under his intensity. I also could shrink up and die right in front of him, but I hold my ground, even if I'm pooled with fear.

"Alright then..." I sneer, immediately dropping the clueless act. I grit my teeth, willing my lip not to quiver. "Perhaps it is because you taught me to lie", I hiss, dragging myself to my feet. "Or maybe it's the fact that you gave me no choice."

Ronon smirks, amused. "Oh, Edythe. How ambitious you always have been. You always thought yourself above all this."

"No. I didn't think I was above it," I counter, taking a step forward. "I was just as bad as the rest of you. The only difference is that I could see past my own selfish desires. I saw you for the monster you are!"

"Chose your words carefully, Edythe", Ronon threatens. His golden eyes bare a venom that I have never witnessed before. They cut through my own in a merciless rage, emptiness behind them. "For I may not be as kind in your punishment."

I cackle at this, shaking my head as a smirk takes my lips. "Kindness isn't in your nature, Ronon."

Ronon narrows his eyes down on me, standing from his throne. The wolf towers above everyone; even as he descends the stairs, he is the tallest in the room. Family members shrink back into themselves as he approaches me. My heart hammers through my chest, but I do not retreat. I shake from fear, but I refuse to cower.

"You know..." Ronon starts, now standing before me. "When Aro accused you of betraying me, I knew he spoke truth. But I didn't want to believe it because I've always admired you, Edythe. Even when I had evidence, I didn't want to believe it. But made a slip up that concreted it all."

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