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After things had settled down, Percy went to establish his Kingdom. His father told him much about how to run things and explained that Zeus took care of a lot of the set up already. After a few weeks of adjusting and tutorage on how to be a monarch—most of which he ignored—Percy flashed to his new, fully staffed palace.

1st Person | Percy's POV
936 words

I arrived at the entrance of my palace.
I don't need to offer the petal of a poisonous flower to enter because... I mean... it's my palace. It was still weird to imagine myself as a ruler of a kingdom. I didn't think the few weeks of 'Ruling 101' were enough, but my people were waiting.

I walked through the doors and was greeted by my entire above water staff of Maris Astérians. They all bowed to me and it was extremely awkward, in my opinion. I was still this weird 17-year-old kid, but here were these people bowing to me! I mean, if I hadn't become a god I would've been 18 at this point, but the point still remains. Actually, I could age myself to whatever I wanted, but it felt too weird if I were to suddenly become a 30-something-year-old.

A boy about my age walked up to me, followed by an older gentleman, and bowed again. "Welcome, Lord Perseus. I'm Abrax Mateus, your chamberlain. This man to my left is Mr. Anwar. He's your butler and will be in charge of running the household for the most part. I'll be your personal servant. I hope we can serve you well, my Lord."

"Wow. Ok. That's great and all. And it's nice to meet you both. But... uh... let's get one thing straight," I said awkwardly. Abrax and Mr. Anwar gave a side glance to each other but quickly looked back at me. "It's just Percy. Not 'Perseus' or 'my Lord' or 'Lord Perseus' or even 'Lord Percy'. Just Percy. If you got that down, we'll be cool."

Mr. Anwar looked like he wanted to complain but thought better of it. Abrax, on the other hand, was smiling like a kid in a candy shop.

"We understand, Percy," Abrax said. "If you'd like to follow me, I'll show you around."

I didn't want to be rude and tell him I already knew my way around. He seemed so excited, so I obliged. "I'd like that. Thanks, Abrax!"

We went on a full tour. We explored the underwater section of my palace too. Abrax's people can breathe underwater just fine, but they prefer the land. At least, that's what my father told me. Dinner was the most awkward. I sat by myself while Abrax served the meal. I tried to keep a conversation, but that just made it more uncomfortable for both of us. The next day, I ordered for the entire table to be set for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I got a list of the staff and split them up into groups of no more than 17. This allowed for all the chairs around the table (except for the one at the opposite end of me) to be filled. I had Abrax seated at my right for each meal as the 18th person. The other staff members rotated in groups to dine with me. I became closer with most of them as they became more comfortable with me.

It was about a month before I started to get bored. I wanted some fun and adventure. I had left camp up to Chiron and no one needed my help, so I had an empty schedule most days. That is, of course, besides running my domains. Although, that was usually done subconsciously, more or less, now that I've had ample practice controlling them.

"Hey, Abrax?"

"Yeah, Percy?"

"What do you say we go see what the world has to offer?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I'm pretty bored and there's only so much to do, so I was thinking about traveling the world. Seeing what's out there."

"That sounds cool. I'll have your bags packed in case you're traveling by mortal means."

"Thank you, but make sure to pack your things too."

"My things? You mean I'm going with you?!" Abrax asked in disbelief.

"Only if you want to. You can stay here if you'd rather," I answered. I didn't want to force Abrax to do anything or go anywhere against his will.

"No! Gods no! I'd love to come! I've never been in the human world my whole life!" He was practically jumping up and down with enthusiasm.

"Awesome! Well, the last part isn't awesome, but the fact that you agreed to join me is awesome!"

Now enthusiasm shone through both of us. Abrax had become a good friend in such a short amount of time. We did everything together. We talked a lot too. And I trusted him easily.

"We'll leave tomorrow after breakfast! But I need to stop by my parents' apartment first and say goodbye to them and Alex and Estelle. You should probably say your goodbyes before we go too."

"Ok. Are you sure it'll be ok to leave the palace unattended?"

"Abrax, it won't be unattended. Mr. Anwar would sooner be dead than slack on his duties. Seriously, the man needs a break. I keep telling him to have a weekend off, but he won't listen. I'm this close to officially suspending his duties just so he can chill out for a while." We both laughed at this, knowing how uptight he always was.

"Alright then. Tomorrow after breakfast it is."

"Good. Now let's get packing!"

And with that, we both got ready for a lifetime of excitement! It was just the beginning!


After reading this, I hope you realize just how crazy my life is. This story has described the beginnings of an Olympian, but a whole new story full of adventure awaits. I was entering into the life of an Olympian!

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