14 | Ave Roma

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"If that is all, Perseus must head to Camp Jupiter before he searches for this boy. Hera will escort him. Meeting adjourned!" After that, Hera and I flashed away to the Roman camp.

1st Person | Percy's POV
(Italics within the text below are thoughts not spoken out loud)
1037 words

Hera and I appeared in front of the Caldecott Tunnel, facing the Little Tiber. When we arrived it was late morning. Approaching the river, I offered my arm to Hera as we made our way across towards the Decumanian Gate. Our appearances changed from Greek to Roman as we passed through the waters. Hera became Juno and I became Confectorus.

I was now wearing Roman armor with a toga draped over. The toga was a marbled bronze and gold pattern, lined with a stripe of silver and black swirled together. The effect made it look like I was wrapped in liquids. Admittedly, I thought it looked pretty cool. I could also feel my personality change slightly. My Roman aspect was more formal, more serious. My facial features sharpened, my jaw was set, and my eyes were in a permanent glare. The glare wasn't too harsh, but it was still intense. I knew my age remained 17, but I looked much older, much more mature.

The two legionaries on guard at the gates looked warily at us. They knew we weren't monsters, but they weren't sure if we were friendly either. "Halt! Who goes there? You are crossing into the territory of New Rome and the 12th Legion Fulminata! State your business or be gone!"

Did they have a script or something to read off of?

"Stand down, Romans! I am Juno, the Warner, Wife of  Jupiter, Goddess of Marriage!" The two guards immediately dropped to their knees, almost impaling themselves with their swords.

"Our apologies, Lady Juno! We knew not who you were!"

Ok, from what century did these kids come from? One looks to be 14 and the other 13. Why are they talking all funny? Huh. I guess my thoughts haven't changed much between my Greek and Roman aspects.

By now a good portion of the 12th Legion had gathered by the gates and they were bending the knee before us. Praetor Zhang and Praetor Levesque strode up to the front and kneeled too.

"Ave, Lady Juno," they said together.

"Ave, Praetors! I come with news from Olympus. We have welcomed a 15th Olympian! He stands before you now." At that, everyone looked up and regarded me. Some seemed to size me up, others more nervous. "This is Confectorus, Olympian god of riptides, heroes, loyalty, and respect! God of poisons and water molecules!" At the mentions of my domains, a few people recognized me and their faces grew into disbelief. Everyone else was still confused. "You may have heard of this young hero. He was originally a Greek demigod but has also proven himself loyal to Rome and an upstanding soldier. His Greek aspect is known as Perseus."

There were audible gasps. Murmurs of "it can't be", "why him", "I remember that kid", and "wow" spread through the legion. I also heard Hazel whisper to Frank, though if it weren't for my godly hearing I wouldn't have even known she spoke, "what's with his domains? Poison? Water molecules?"

"Silence," I said. I didn't need to yell. My natural voice, which had deepened slightly in my Roman aspect, carried clearly through the ranks. Everyone stopped talking quickly, not wanting to anger the newest Olympian god. "What Juno said is true. I was made an Olympian by the Parcae themselves. I do not pretend to understand the Fates or their reasons, but I will make the best of it. I am here to serve Rome as much as you are. Do not be afraid to ask for my assistance, Romans." They started nodding their heads in approval at my words. Roman gods don't usually interact with their children. They have even less of a role than the Greek gods did when I was 12.

"Romans," Juno added, "I have not just come to introduce you to Lord Confectorus. I have also come to warn you of an upcoming threat." Worried whispers picked up again. "We will be at war again soon. Only time will tell who our enemies are and when they will attack. So be prepared! This will be a fight like no other. Lord Confectorus will be back to discuss this further with your Praetors. Until then, be safe, train hard, and be on guard!" With much of the flare that her husband has, she flashed out in a blinding light. I wanted to catch up with Frank and Hazel, but I knew there were more pressing matters, so I flashed out too.

I stopped by Olympus before I made my way to Camp Half-Blood to check on my palace. No one knew if I should reside under the sea, on land, or in the air. I could live underwater, especially with my riptide domain, but heroes occupy the land, so it would also make sense for me to establish a home there. And water molecules are found in abundance in the air, so that was also a valid option. For now, they're building me a temporary place to stay on Olympus. I was about to head in that direction when Hermes stopped me.

"Can I help you, Lord Hermes?"

"Please, Percy, I should think we're close enough to drop the whole 'Lord' crap."

I smiled in response. "So what can I do for you, Hermes?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "For what?"

"For what you said about Luke. How my son should be remembered as a hero."

"I only spoke the truth, cousin. He is remembered as a hero. Maybe not by all, but certainly by me and by those who knew him."

Hermes smiled in appreciation. "Well, that's all I wanted to say. I've got to catch up on my calls and deliveries now. Good luck finding that Alexander kid!" He said as he flew away on his winged sandals. As he departed, I could just make out George and Martha arguing again. Something about never having any rats.

I decided I'd wasted enough time and postponed seeing my new dwelling. When I flashed to Thalia's tree, I saw Will hanging out with Nico not too far away.

So that's where the hickey came from. It'll be so much fun to tease him.

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