23 | ...Can You Imagine?

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"Bye, Alex," I said ruffling his hair. I stood up and flashed to the entrance of the underworld. I needed to say hello to Uncle H before venturing into that place. I was a little nervous, but I couldn't show it or Hades would try and stop me. I knew this was risky, but if I could get him on our side it would mean we'd have monsters at our disposal for the upcoming war. I needed to convince Tartarus.

1st Person | Percy's POV
1041 words

"Uncle Hades," I greeted approaching his throne. "Nico!" I added more enthusiastically when I noticed who was seated next to him.

"Nephew, why are you here?" Hades sounded more tired than annoyed.

"What? I can't come and see my favorite Uncle?"

"Ha," Hades smirked, "don't let Mr. Loudmouth hear you. And I guess you could visit simply to see me, but I doubt this is one of those visits. Why are you really here?"

"I've come to ask for your help."

"What could I possibly help you with?"

"I need a guide."

"A guide? For what?"

"For... Tartarus."

"WHAT?!" Nico screamed. He'd been silently listening up until this point. "You can't seriously be thinking about going down there. Again! Father, don't let him go! This is insane! It's suicide!"

"I'm a god, Neeks. I can't die," I half-heartedly chuckled.

"Don't laugh about this, Perce. We both know every monster down there wants your head on a pike. Tartarus would sooner capture you and torture you and you'd never leave that place. You'd never see the light of day again. There are worse things than death, Percy."

"Nico, I have to go. If I can convince the pit to help us defend Earth, then our forces would more than double. We'd have monsters on our side. I hate that it's come to this, but desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Please, don't go," Nico pleaded, this time on the verge of tears. "Think about your family, your friends. Think about who you'd be leaving behind."

"I am thinking about them, about you. I need all of you to be safe and this is how I can help."

"Let me come wi-"

"No. You are not coming with me."

"Percy is right, son. You're not going anywhere. He can handle himself. I've got someone in mind who might guide him through safely."

Nico ran up to me and hugged me before storming out of the room. I felt bad for leaving him, but I had to do this.

"Who'd you have in mind, Uncle?"

"Lady Styx."


"Her waters run through the underworld and flow into the heart of Tartarus. She can guide you and hold the button to the doors of death without staying trapped down there. I'll have some skeletons waiting to press the button on the other side."

"I guess that'll work. Do you think she'll actually help me?"

"Only one way to find out."

I sighed, said goodbye, and departed for the River Styx. When I got there, I sat by the bank, careful not to touch the water. I wondered how I would summon her. The water was polluted with lost hopes and dreams and broken oaths. I remembered what it was like to bathe in the river. It was a horrible feeling and I never want to do it again. Back then, it was Annabeth who anchored me to the mortal world. Would anything keep me here now that I was a god? I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize a woman in black silk robes had sat down next to me.

"Hello again," she said.

"Lady Styx," I addressed her as I bowed my head. "Thank you for meeting me."

"The god of respect gives some to me? How interesting."

Her voice sounded a little like she was underwater. Not the clear way I can hear voices underwater, but in that muffled way others might.

"For what I'm about to ask you, I thought it wise to show some respect. You are, after all, the eldest Oceanid, Binder of Oaths."

"Yes. And I must say I'm impressed, Perseus-"


"-Jackson, that you've yet to break an oath in my name. You did not give up hope either, even when your dreams were taken from you."

"My Lady?"

"I know what you must do. And I will help you. But I ask for something in return."

"What is it?"

"A gift. Something that inspires hope in others. Sacrifice it to my river willingly so my waters may be purified a little. Do this and I will help you in more ways than you ask."

I sat there thinking about what she was asking. I would offer it to her, but I didn't know what she wanted me to offer. Then it dawned on me. The simple pen I was absentmindedly twirling in my fingers was a symbol of hope. The sword itself didn't provide hope, but my association with it did.

I was hesitant to believe I could inspire anything. Then I heard Annabeth's voice in my head saying, "Of course you give people hope, Percy. As long as you don't lose it yourself, those around you won't either."

Without a second thought, without considering that I'd be giving up my symbol of power and my only defense against monsters, I uncapped the pen and threw Riptide into the river. I saw a faint purple glow spread away and the river became a little less polluted. She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Percy. It feels good to have some hope again. As promised, I will help you navigate Tartarus. Also as promised, I will help you even more. I will give you back your means of survival."

Suddenly my sword came floating out of the water and into my hand. It looked the same, except the bronze glow changed to the purple one Stygian iron has.

"This sword has been dipped in my waters and is therefore indestructible. It can absorb the essence of any monster or deity, like Stygian iron, but it still won't hurt mortals and it can't harness the powers of the underworld."

"Thank you, Lady Styx. But why give it back? Why bless it?"

"I sense that you will go through many trials. But the biggest battle to overcome is the one within you. This sword is a reminder that not everything in the dark is evil and sometimes things in the light are worse. Now we must get going. Follow me."

She got up and started walking down towards the pit. When we got to the edge she turned into water and slid down into the opening of Tartarus. Seeing no other option, I jumped in after her.

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