1 | Pomp & Circumstance

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A/N: This will be the one of the few author notes. Any announcements are at the top of a chapter. The disclaimers in the summary apply to the entire story. I wrote this for fun as well as a distraction during finals, and I don't expect anyone to read this. However, I would still appreciate comments that correct my grammar, fix my spelling, or introduce a new idea for the story from anyone who does take the time to read and enjoy it. Without further ado, let the story begin!

3rd Person | Percy's POV
1107 words

My life has always been crazy, but few believe how crazy it's been. So after getting the accounts from many others and fitting them with my own accounts, I have enough detail to share my story. It tells of the beginnings of an Olympian.


A couple of months after the Second Giant War, the seven, save Leo who supposedly died to defeat Gaea, stood in the center of the Hall of the Gods. Just off to the left, Nico was positioned at his father's side while Reyna stood by her mother. The Roman war goddess was invited to witness and participate in the ceremony of heroes, as Zeus called it.

The ceremony was being broadcasted via Iris Message to the Hunters of Artemis, the Amazons, Camp Half-Blood, and Camp Jupiter. All the other gods streamed it live from Olympus on Hephaestus TV.

One by one, each demigod was called. They bowed to Zeus, or, when the Romans approached, Jupiter, and then they knelt in front of their godly parent to be given a gift. Frank and Hazel had their curses removed, Jason was made Pontifex Maximus, Piper was given the ability to enhance someone's natural beauty, and Annabeth had Daedalus's laptop returned to her. Unfortunately, her dagger could not be recovered, but she seemed just fine with her new drakon bone sword.

Reyna was offered the ranking of Consul, a supreme commander in the Roman army, with the one-year term limit lifted. Consuls were usually granted two legions, but because only the 12th legion remained, she was given the opportunity to form a 13th legion stationed between the two camps. Hazel was appointed in her place as Praetor of the 12th legion by Bellona herself. Nico was then named Hades' heir and officially granted the title of Ghost King.

Then it was Percy's turn, but he didn't turn to his father after bowing to Zeus. Much to everyone's surprise, he knelt in front of the King of the Gods, who looked mildly confused.

"Speak child," Zeus demanded.

In a clear tone that, though respectful, left no room for arguments, Percy responded, "Lord Zeus. I ask for a wish from you and the council in place of any gift you may have given me." 

With only a moment's hesitation, Zeus agreed. "Very well. It shall be done if it is within our power. I swear this on the River Styx."

"Thank you," he said while moving to stand. "Lord Zeus, I wish for Hades and Hestia to be given thrones on the Olympian council."

Percy was expecting some pushback, but before he could even defend his wish, two new seats were added to the end of the U shaped thrones. The one Hades had in his underworld was recreated on Olympus while Hestia's was more of a bench with a stone hearth behind it, resembling a fireplace. Somehow Hephaestus had crafted both epicenters of power in under a minute.

Hades stood in slight shock before he made his way to his throne of bones giving Percy a nod of respect and thanks on his way. Hestia moved from the center hearth to her seat and gave the warmest smile full of renewed hope towards Percy. He smiled back and thanked Zeus once more before returning to the center of the room with his friends.

After a drawn-out speech from Zeus that had Dionysus snoring, mouth wide open for Hermes to try and throw grapes in it, the ceremony ended, and the demigods headed for the elevators to return home.

"Percy, son, please stay for a moment," Poseidon called out. With a quick assurance from Percy to his friends that he'd be alright, and a peck on the lips from Annabeth, they left him in the throne room.

Percy thought the rest of the council would flash out too, but they remained seated. Dionysus even woke up!

"Perseus Jackson, for your heroism and service to the gods, for saving Olympus from destruction twice, we offer you not only godhood again, but also a seat on the Olympian council," boomed Zeus, ever the one for a flare of the dramatics.

"And before you decline, Percy," Hera chimed in with a slight smile and knowing look on her face, "you would be allowed to take an immortal wife." Percy blushed a little but stood firm where he was in deep contemplation.

Finally, he spoke. "Thank you for your most gracious offer, but I must once again decline." Zeus had grown red in anger while everyone else looked on in awe or disbelief. They had just offered him the ultimate gift and he had refused as if it were nothing.

"Before you get mad at my decision," Percy said, trying to placate Zeus, "let me explain. I have fought by true heroes. People who are nobler than me and who have given their lives in service to the gods. I want the chance to see them again in Elysium; to see Zoë Nightshade, Bianca di Angelo, Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher, Castor (last name unknown), Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Ethan Nakamura, and Luke Castellan. I want to tell them that I'm sorry or that they're forgiven and that they are all remembered as heroes. I want to grow old with my family and friends. And I want to rest in peace once my time with the living is over. I mean no disrespect, truly, but it's my loyalty to others that keeps me from accepting." Nothing but silence filled the throne room for what seemed like forever.

"His words are wise father. It is indeed due to his fatal flaw of loyalty that he declines our generous offer," Athena said, breaking the silence. Percy was shocked that that goddess of wisdom who's hated him from the beginning just complimented him and supported his decision. He thought part of it was because she didn't want to put up with him for eternity, but the sentiment was there nonetheless. "I motion for his wish to be honored."

"Very well, daughter. It shall be left to a vote. All in favor of respecting his wishes?" Everyone except Zeus lifted their hands in agreement. Percy didn't understand why a vote was needed for them to not give him immortality, but he was grateful that (almost) all agreed.

And that would have been it. He would have walked out of the room and head back to camp. He would have moved to New Rome and started a life alongside Annabeth without fear of dying. He would have done all the things he had just stated he wanted. But of course, the fates had other plans.

The Beginnings of an OlympianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora