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Damien's POV

I woke up early this morning and headed straight to the bathroom. I brushed and took a nice shower before coming out with a towel around my waist. Just then, I saw Kiara climbing off of the bed.

I ran to her took her in my arms. She was now laughing. Seeing her laugh, brings a smile on my face too but she has to understand that she shouldn't play such dangerous games.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I muttered and sighed. "Let's bath you up, okay?"

"Yes!" She said and wrapped her arms around my neck, tightly. I chuckled and ran her a bath.

"You wait here. Dada will change and come." I put her down and walked in the closet. I changed in to a tee and shorts before coming out, only to find Kiara missing.

"Baby?" I called her. No reply. "Kiara?" None. "Don't play games with your Dada, Kia. Come out, it's enough now." I said. Still none.

I panicked and looked around the room. I looked in the bathroom, behind the curtains and even under the bed but she was nowhere to be found now. I ran downstairs to find her but still no sign of her.

Fear was rising in my chest now. Sweat beads were forming on my forehead.

"Kiara!" I called a little louder this time.

I felt two arms wrapping them around my legs.

"Boo!" She said in a deep voice. Relief washed over me. I sighed and sat down, taking her in my lap. She giggled.

"Don't do that, baby. What if something had happened to you? What would Dada do then?" I asked her.

"MoMA!" She shouted and laughed. I chuckled.

"Don't do such things again, okay? Or Dada will not give you any cookies nor will he let you eat Momma's made custard." I said. Her eyes widened and she shook her head with her lips in a pout.

"No. No." She said like she's really afraid.

"Then go and sit in the tub." I tell her and she ran in.


"It's been a long time since we have went out, right baby?" I asked her as I wiped her with towel.

"Yes." She said.

"Hmm. So today we are going to zoo with your Momma. Are you happy?"

"Yes!" She squealed. I chuckled and took out two outfits for her. One was pink and other was yellow. I thought she would choose the pink one. As we know girls like pink color more, but still I asked her.

"Which one do you wanna wear today?" I asked her, showing both of the dresses. She pointed to the yellow dress and said yes. "Cool."

"Coo." She mimicked. I chuckled and dressed her up. I got dressed too, a full sleeve white tee and jeans. I made Kiara wear her shoes and we got out of the house.


I parked the car and bought tickets as we waited for Emerald. I felt a pat on my back and I turned. There was she with grin on her face, in a white floral dress, looking gorgeous.

"Hi." She said and smiled.

"Hey. Shall we go?" I asked.

"Sure." She said and then looked at Kiara with loving smile. "Hi Kia." She said to her. Kiara just hid her face in my neck.

"Wave to your Momma, baby." I tell her. She looked up and waved shyly at her. This is the first time I'm seeing her like this.

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