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Damien's POV

I walked in the house with Kiara sleeping in my arms. I looked around for my parents but they weren't here.

A maid came and offered to carry my baby.

"Sir, ma'am has told me to look after the baby. May I?" She asked in a bit arrogant tone.

"No, thank you." I said and she left. I'm not giving my baby to anyone over here.

"Where are they?" I questioned.

"Upstairs. Ma'am is getting ready while sir is attending a phone call." I nodded and dismissed her.

I sat on the couch and waited for them. Kiara opened her eyes and yawned in my chest, snuggling deeper. I chuckled.

She would do the same every night.

"Dada...?" She called in her sleepy voice.

"Yes baby?"

"Up. Up." She said and stretched her hands out. I picked her up. She rubbed her hands on my cheeks and frowned when she felt my rough beard. "Bad bad." She scolded me.

"Do you want me to cut it then?"

"Yes." She said and smiled. I'm so glad that Brody taught her to say yes.

"Okay then. I'll cut it tomorrow-"

"Son! You're here." I got cut off by my mother.

"Of course I am." I said. My father came down to, shoving his phone in his pocket.

We sat together. I set Kiara down and she ran to my father who picked her up in instant.

"Oh my lovely granddaughter. How are you sweetie? Is your Dada giving you any trouble?" He asked as she kissed her forehead.

"Yes!" My daughter said. I smiled at them.

"Did she just say yes?" He smiled at me.

"She did. Brody taught her." I tell him.

"That's good. Even he was the one to teach her no." He chuckled. "Come on sweetie. We'll go play in the backyard." With that they left.

"I want to talk to you about something serious." Mom said with a sigh.

"How lovely! Me too." I said, sarcastically. She narrowed her eyes at me and shrugged.

Ever since Emerald left, our relationship has turn bad too. She wants me to forget about the woman that I loved and move on by marrying some high-class bitch. She even suggested that I leave Kiara at an orphanage and start fresh.

How dare she!

"Anyways. I want to talk about Kara-"

"It's Kiara." I cut her off.

"Whatever. So, what have you decided to do to that girl?" She asked.

"Well, first of all, the girl you're talking about is my daughter so I suggest you respect her and not talk to her like some bitch. Second of all, I'm her father and I'll decide everything for her and I don't think I need to tell you that." I spat.

"So, you decided to grow her up alone?" She questioned.


"Are you mad? A child needs both of his parents. A father and a mother. You can't do all of her part yourself." She said.

"Well, you didn't seem to care about that when you talked shit to my girlfriend!" I raised my voice.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" She stuttered.

"About the thing that happened at my house and in hospital. Why didn't you tell me or fucking anyone about the day you visited Emerald at my house? Same day when she went in labor that too before her fucking due date! Why did you meet her in hospital after she had given birth to my child? And why the hell did you keep this all a secret!?" My voice raised.

"I admit I did that. But you know I never liked her because of which you didn't talk to me for months. I thought you'd not like it when I meet her that's why I didn't tell anyone. I don't know why that bitch left. But I always told you she's not worth your love. You were so blinded by her that you didn't see her contacts with other men!"

Emerald was in contact with other men? She cheat- no. She'd never do that to me.

"I know you wouldn't believe me so I have proof." She left and shuffled through some things and cam with an envelope. "Open it."

I opened it and it revealed many pictures of Emerald with another man that I never saw. He was quite good looking I may say and I did feel a huge pang of jealousy hitting me.

Some of the photos were a little intimate. They were like hugging and laughing and holding hands. My blood boiled when I saw her kissing his cheek.

"Dada....?" The voice echoed. I put the pictures away before she could see it.

"Ah! Let her see how much of slut her mother was." My mom said in disgust.

"Sut....?" Kiara said in confusion. I glared at my mother before turning to her.

"That's a very very bad bad word Kiara. Don't say it. Got it?" I said to her.

"Yes." She said and smiled. I hugged her and kissed her forehead. She turned to her grandmother and narrowed her eyes at her. "Bad bad!" She pointed at her. I chuckled and put her on my lap.

"Damien! She just called me bad. Aren't you gonna say something to her?" Mother huffed.

"I can only correct her when she is wrong." I said with a smirk. Kiara copied my action and I chuckled.

"Come on, princess. Let's get you home and feed that little tummy of yours, hmm?" I smiled at her.

"Yes!" I chuckled and came out.


I saw dad waiting for me. As I opened my mouth to say bye, he beat me to it.

"Whatever she said in there, don't trust her words. Trust what your heart says. And do what's best for you and your child." He smiled proudly at me.

"Sure dad."


After feeding Kiara, I was busy going through a picture book with her. We were on the bed, her head was on my chest as she peeked in the book with me. She would point out to things and I would tell her the names.

"That's an elephant." I said. She moved to another picture. "A peacock."

"Cock?" She repeated.

"You have been learning a lot of words lately. I'm so proud of you, baby." I tell her. I tickled her belly and she giggled.

"Shh." She said putting a finger on her mouth, telling me to stop.

"Why? Does it tickle?" I said in a mocking tone.

"Yes." She said and smiled while laughing. I tickled her even more and we both were laughing.

Later she yawned and put her head on my chest, while fluttering her eyes to keep open.

"Go to sleep, Kia. Good night." I kissed her forehead as I put her under the covers and slept next to her.

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