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Damien's POV

It's been three days since I had gone to my parents house and found that she was seeing another man along with me. I even shaved for Kiara's sake and she's now learning to form small sentences that only make half of the meaning. She's learning quite earlier for her age.

But she doesn't eat properly yet. Firstly I would think it's because she's a premature baby but doctors told me that it's because she doesn't eat enough. I tried to make her eat more but she would just cry in the end because of me forcing her to eat.


So today Kiara has learned a few more words which include baby and cookie in them. Since then, she's asking for cookies but ain't eating any. She just crushed it in her hands and laughed.

So, here I am, cleaning the kitchen while she's sleeping. She sleeps a lot.

My phone rang and it was some unknown number.

"Damien Knight speaking...?" I said.

"....H-hey Dami." Emerald said.




Oh my God! Emerald!???!?

"Emerald..." I breath out.

"Y-yeah. H-how are y-you?" She stuttered and I felt like she was crying. She sniffled.

"...g-good, I guess. Where are you?" I asked her. She chuckled while sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Damien. I shouldn't have left you. I was s-scared." She sobbed. I felt the tears pricking in my eyes. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you and....and I want you to know that....I..I still love you. No matter what happens, I'll always love you." She said between sobs and sniffles.

"I love you too, Emerald. I still do and always will. Please tell me where you are. I want to see you. I miss you." I pleaded.

"I c-can't. I'm sorry." She hung up.

"No! No! Emerald! Don't do this! Emerald!" I yelled in the phone. I slide down the counter and sat there, crying.

I heard little footsteps coming towards me.

"Dada...?" Her voice echoed in the room. She held my face in her little chubby hands and wiped my tears with her small thumbs. "No no, Dada. No no." She said.

What she meant I think was don't cry Dada.

I hugged her, pulling her to my chest.

"I love you, my princess." I mumbled in her shoulder.

"Wove you Dada." She said and it made me smile.


I made her eat some of the oatmeal. Again, she didn't eat all of eat but at least she ate something. She was now looking through a picture book on her own.

I took my phone after doing a lot of thinking and called Brody.

"Hey dude." He chirped.

"Would you mind taking care of Kiara for three hours? And also get me an investigation team and a hacker." I tell him.

"Of course."

"Good. I'll come to the office in a bit. Open the secret passage way for me, I don't want anyone seeing Kiara or they'll make it the news."

"Okay. Should I know what's happening?"

"I'll tell you later." I hung up. I picked Kiara up, along with the book and walked upstairs. "Come on baby. We are going to Dada's office."

My Eternal LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora