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Damien's POV

"Do you know that Emerald was pregnant six months before Kiara?" I said as I put my third glass on the table and tell the bartender to refill.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes dude. She then had a miscarriage when she was two months pregnant." I tell him, slurring slightly.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Damien." He said, completely being sad. I shook my head as I took the glass and gulped it down.

"Don't be. I don't even know if the baby was mine." I said and asked for another refill.

"You're drunk, Damien. Stop it now." He said. I chuckled bitterly and drank more.

"Do you remember the time when she went to Italy to meet her family? There she met this Antonio named guy and spend time with him. Even my mother showed me their pictures of getting intimate."

"Getting intimate?" He asked in confusion.

"Yes. You know, holding hands, hugging, laughing, flirting and going on dates. More over, she kissed him. I saw it in the photo with my own eyes." I went to grab the glass but Brody stopped me. I slapped his arms away and gulped the liquor down.

"You should stop, Damien. You have daughter for God's sake! What if she sees you like this? You're a father, Damien. Behave like one." He said in anger.

"Don't you dare give me a lecture on how to be a father. I know it very well." I snarled.

"Of course you do. Every father who's is kid is not even two years old yet come to a random bar and gets drunk. Of course you know how to be a father!" He yelled. I put the glass down and sighed.

"She cheated on me, Brody." I whispered. "You tell me, was I bad? Not good enough for her? Did I not love her? Treat her good? I did every single thing that would make her happy. I went to appointments with her for our baby and her. She never even complained about anything and yet sneaked behind my back."


"Do you know what my kid said when I asked her why is she so cute? She said MoMA. That's what she said. And it's all your fault Brody that she has learned that stupid word."

"You should—"

"What will I do when she grows up and ask me about her mother? What will I tell her? That her mother left her in hospital and ran with a stupid note say she's sorry!? Or should I tell her that she's dead!?"

"Stop Damien!"

"No. Do you know that a baby need his mom more than it needs his father. Kiara is not eating properly like other normal kids. Every thing I give her, she either eats half of it or plays with it. I just don't know what to do."by the end, tears were in my eyes.

"Damien, instead of sitting here and drinking, why don't you go to your daughter? Even if Emerald left, you have her. And she needs you too. A child needs both of it's parents equally, Damien. And you're a very good father for fulfilling both parents' roles." He said calmly.

"You know what? You're right. I should go home to my baby. But I still don't understand why would she cheat on me."

"I don't think she cheated on you." He said. I narrowed my eyes on him.


"Yeah. You see, you said your mother showed you the pictures. Why does she have them at first place? And what if Emerald really went to her family in Italy and the guy is her relative? It can be her cousin or brother for all that matter."

"Wow. I never thought like this, Brody. You're so intelligent." I chuckled. "Wait," an idea popped in my mind. "If Antonio Ricci is a businessman and CEO of his company, how about we call him here to make a deal with him and ask him about him and Emerald?" I grinned victoriously.

"Sounds like a plan, brother." Brody smirked.


I put the key in the lock and opened the door. The first thing I heard was cries. My baby!

I quickly ran upstairs and found her on the floor. She had fallen down from the bed. There weren't any injuries as I had placed pillows everywhere in the room which I'm very thankful for.

I scooped her up in my arms and whispered soothing words in her ear.

"Don't worry, sweetie. Dada's here and he'll never leave you like this again. Please quiet down." I said but she kept on crying. I showed her her toys and kept bouncing her to sleep but she doesn't stop crying.

I checked for any injuries again. There were none.

"What happened, honey? Are you hungry? Do you want cookie?" She kept on crying. I tried to drink her milk but she refused.

She got exhausted a few minutes later  and fell asleep. I made an immediate doctor's appointment for tomorrow and called Brody. I told him what happened. He said it maybe because she got scared but I think it's the half reason. Maybe she's ill or something.

Thinking this, I slept beside her.


Next morning, I woke up to a phone call. Luckily, it didn't wake her up. It was Philip.

"Philip." I said.

"Yes, Mr Knight. We have some really good news, Mr Knight." He said. Jus then, Kiara woke up and started to cry. I sighed.

"I'll call you later." I said and hung up. I picked Kiara up in my arms. "Good morning, princess." I smiled. She quietened but still sniffled. I noticed she had a slight fever. It's good that I decided to take her to the hospital today.

I wiped her tears and ran her a bath.

After bathing her, I wrapped her in a towel and changed into clothes. I got ready too. My phone rang again. It was Brody this time.

"Hey Brody." I said.

"Dude! Did you hear that the investigation team found Emerald and she's with them?!" He squealed.


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