Ch. 9

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A/N: I have never taken drugs in my life (other than edibles like twice) so the drug use in this story won't be super accurate. Just an FYI!

Mya's POV

"Oh my god did you see Blaze's Instagram live Saturday night?"

"It was crazy right? How does that even happen?"

"I bet she did it on purpose. Clout chaser."

"I guess she really wasn't dating Mya."

"Or she's a cheater. I mean she is a drug addict. She's probably a shitty person in general."

"Her music is still good though."

That's all I've heard all morning at school. Everyone is gossiping about Blaze and I honestly thought it would be old news by now. In this world there is a scandal every few hours and when you're rich and have everything you could possibly want nothing is more exciting than someone else's bullshit.

My moms were talking about it at the breakfast table and mama made sure to let me know that's why she doesn't trust her. I got a message yesterday from Micah checking on me, but I didn't feel like talking. Mila even offered to go to her house and fight her.

Blaze hasn't even tried to reach out to me once. She's been posting on social media like nothing even happened. I can't believe I let myself get wrapped up in her.

I pull out my keys just as the final bell rings and head straight to the student parking lot.

"You didn't answer my text or call yesterday. What's up with that?" Micah asks from behind me.

"I was in a bad mood I guess," I shrug.

When I reach my car a familiar black Porsche with heavily tinted windows is parked right next me.

"Is that-"

"Blaze," I mumble cutting him off.

"You're not going with her are you?" He questions.

"No, but I am going to curse her out," I leave him and walk up to her car.

She rolls down the window. "Hey babygirl."

"Don't hey babygirl me. You are so full of shit. Why would you go sleep with someone else like that?"

"Just get in the car and I'll explain everything," she says calmly.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You fucked up Blaze and I'm not giving you anymore chances," I say sternly.

"Mya please. Just let me talk to you. Come on," she begs.

I look back at Micah who's watching me closely. I sigh and walk around to the passenger side of her car.

"Mya what the hell dude?" He yells.

"I'm just going to hear her out," I say and get inside.

She speeds out of the parking lot and doesn't say anything until we get to her place.

She turns off the car but doesn't move. "Mya I am so sorry. I know I fucked up and I swear to you it was a stupid mistake."

"How do you mistakenly sleep with someone else? That's stupid Blaze."

"I was high ok. I wasn't thinking and she just came on to me and one thing led to another. I honestly don't even know how I got on Instagram live. She might have just been trying to set me up," she says.

"None of what you said makes it better. I trusted you, but so far you're proving everyone right," I shake my head in disappointment.

"Mya please just let me make this right. It will never happen again. Look," she reaches into the backseat and grabs some flowers. "I got these for you."

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