Ch. 14

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Mya's POV

"You live alone?" I ask as I step into the dimly lit apartment. It's clean and nicely decorated which is something I didn't expect from Hanna. The smell of weed that's flowing through is typical though.

"Yeah why?" she reclaims her seat on the couch and I sit next to her.

"I just thought you would live with Tino," I shrug.

"Hell no. I'd have to kill him," she laughs. "So what made you want to hang out with me?"

"Blaze kicked me out of her place. She said she was busy doing stuff with her assistant," I roll my eyes and pick up an unopened beer from the coffee table.

"Damn really? She must really be mad."

"I guess. I just hate that she's being to mean about it. I wasn't trying to hurt her or make her think I don't care."

"Blaze is a hard ass so just give her some time. She can hold a grudge so be prepared to wait," she says.

"Ugh," I groan. "I don't want to wait. We should just be able to talk it out like adults."

"You will when the time is right. Now take this and shut up," she hands me her blunt.

We smoke and drink until we both feel good then raid her kitchen for snacks. We dump everything onto the coffee table then let our bodies sink into the couch again.

"You know you owe me for the coke right?"

"I know," I grab my wallet and pull out some cash. "That should cover it."

"That's more than I need," she tries to hand some back but I push her hand away.

"Keep it. I might need you again. I mean unless you take other forms of payment."

"What, you trying to give me some pussy?" she asks with a smirk.

"No I was joking," I giggle.

"Oh cause I'm not opposed to it," she says nonchalantly.

There's dead silence between us as my brain tries to focus on what she just said.

"Wait you're serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be. You're fine as hell," she bites her lip.

"Ok yeah we are fucked up," I laugh. "I'm not having sex with you. You're Blaze's best friend."

She shrugs. "Am I?"

I give her a confused look, but she just stares at the tv in front of us. Is Blaze pissed at her too or something?

"What do you mean by that?" I question.

"Nothing," she looks at me with a small smile. "I'm getting tired and you can't drive home so come on."

I follow her to her bedroom and watch her climb into bed. "Come on. I'm not going to bite you."

I stand there motionless as she pats the spot next her. Slowly I kick off my shoes and join her in the bed. Her front presses again my back and she snakes an arm around my waist. I lay motionless waiting for what she's going to do next.

"Relax. I'm just cuddling you," she mumbles. "Go to sleep."

I close my eyes and try my best to relax into her embrace. When I open my eyes again it's morning and I'm alone. I climb out of bed and go to the kitchen where I find Blaze talking to Hanna.

"Morning sunshine," Hanna jokes.

Blaze locks eyes with me and her jaw clenches. "Why didn't you tell me she was over here?"

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