Ch. 1

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A/N: For reference mom is Alissa and mama is Billie. Let me know if that's too confusing!

Mya's POV

Billie look here.

Over here Alissa. Get the girls to smile.

"Just a few more minutes guys," my mom mumbles to us.

I absolutely hate walking the red carpet. You would think I'd be used to it by now since it's been a reoccurring thing since I was a kid, but I still hate it. I cant stand the flashing lights and how loud everyone is. They're so demanding too.

My sister Mila on the other hand loves the attention. Ever since she started modeling she's been obsessed with having her picture taken and being gawked at.

"Come on baby girl," mama ushers me inside the venue.

"Why are we here again?" I groan.

"Because mama is presenting the Woman of the Year award," mom says.

"Apparently this girl is our generation's Billie Eilish," Mila giggles. "She wishes."

For years the media has been comparing people to mama and most of the time it's bullshit. I'm no kiss ass, but she's an amazing artist and no new artist has come close to reaching her impact on the industry.

"Be nice. I like her music and it's cool that they asked me to do this," mama says.

We're escorted to our table and Mila of course goes to mingle with some of the other celebrities. I decide to go find some snacks while my moms look over mama's speech again.

"What is this shit," a girl mumbles as she looks at the food spread across a massive table. "Boujee ass food."

"What you don't like caviar?" I ask with a low laugh.

The girl turns to me and her piercing blue eyes squint at my question. "You're joking right? No sane person likes that shit."

"I do," I smirk and put a spoon full into my mouth.

"Oh so you're crazy?" she smirks. "I like crazy girls."

I roll my eyes. "Save it. I'm not interested."

"And I was joking princess," she chuckles. "Don't flatter yourself."

I scoff. "Right. I'm walking away now."

Brushing past her, I pick up a plate and start piling random food on it. It isn't until I stop moving and someone runs into my back that I realize the girl is following me. Quickly I catch my food from falling and turn to her.

"Can I help you?"

"What's your name?"

"Why?" I question.

She sighs like I'm the one who's annoying her. "Because I want to know."

"Mya O'Connell," I say blandly.

"Woah w-wait what?" she stutters.

"Yes I'm Billie Eilish's daughter," I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth time tonight.

"Damn I am so sorry. I love her. She's the reason I started doing music," she tells me.

"Cute. Have a nice night," I turn to walk away, but she grabs me.

"I really am sorry for being a dick. It just comes naturally to me."

I nod, finally walking away and back to my table. I've had my fair share of people trying to get close to my mom through me and I'm not having it anymore. As soon as I sit mama swipes some food from my plate.

"Hey," I swat her hand.

"Sharing is caring," she smiles.

"Stop it you two. Billie don't get her all moody," mom says. "Mya where is your sister?"

"Hell if I know. Probably taking pictures of herself," I shrug.

"Language Mya," mama says.

"Ms. Eilish you're needed backstage," a worker whispers.

The two of them leave the table and Mya finally comes back to join mom and I. We sit through the long boring ceremony and I try really hard not to fall asleep. Mama is finally introduced and the room cheers like Jesus just walked in.

"Hi everyone," she starts. "I'm really honored to be here doing this tonight. It's been a few years since I was awarded this title and I fortunately had the pleasure of receiving it twice. Plenty of people wondered back then what made me qualified to receive this. I had just really gone mainstream and was at the height of my career. I felt unstoppable, but critics were quick to remind me that wasn't the case. Making good music that means something to the fans has always been what it's about for me and I think the new recipient feels the same way. The first time I heard her music I was with Finneas headed to dinner after a studio session. I can honestly say I was blown away. Then when people started comparing her to younger me, which they always do that to artists, I knew I had to really check out her music. It's a pleasure to have people compare us because she is the artist that kids need these days, bold and unapologetic. She's exactly what I was and what I wanted to be when I first started. This girl is going to surpass me and I'm not even mad about it. So without further ado, I present to you this year's Billboard Woman of the Year, Blaze."

Everyone stands and cheers for the girl who makes her way up from the audience with a smile. I realize it's the girl from earlier and wonder how I haven't heard of her before if she's this popular. Looking at her again, I can definitely understand why some people compare her to my mom in a physical way. She's dressed in a way that my mom would have when she was younger and it's kinda funny. They do say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

"Thank you all for this honor. I really don't think I deserve it," she says. "Fuck this is scary."

Everyone laughs and she continues her speech letting everyone know about her upbringing and all the failed attempts at starting a music career. Before now I thought she was the bratty daughter of one of the rich people in the room, but now I'm really intrigued.

She finishes her speech and hugs my mom then the ceremony ends. The room fills with chatter and everyone rushes to get pictures with Blaze. I make a trip to the bathroom while my moms talk to Hailey Bieber about her kids.

I exit the stall when I'm done to wash my hands and to my surprise Blaze is sitting on the sink playing on her phone.

"Took you long enough," she looks up.

"Uh did you really follow me in here?"

"Maybe," she smirks. "Can I get your number?"

"Why, so you can come over to my house and live out all of your Billie Eilish fantasies?" I tease.

"Fuck you," she laughs. "I want your number so we can hang out you shit head."

"Fine," I dry my hands then snatch her phone and put my number in it.

"Mya," she reads my name. "Cute."

"Goodbye creep," I call out as I make my way to the door and run into my sister.

"Who were you talking to?" She asks.

"No one. Let's go," I link arms with her and and pull her away.

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