Ch. 20

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⚠️This is a trigger warning. There is mention of rape in this chapter and that might be unsettling for some of you. Please don't read Mya's POV if you think it might be triggering to you. You'll be able to catch on to what happened in the next chapter if you do decide to skip her POV.

Blaze's POV

Two months on the road nonstop and I can honestly say I'm worn out. I knew this was going to be hard, but I didn't expect it to be this mentally draining. I miss home even though there is no one there for me. It's all worth it though. Meeting the fans and hearing them scream my lyrics is what keeps me going.

Staying true to my word, I haven't spoken to Hanna or Mya since I left. At first, when I got lonely I tried reaching out to Mya but the call would never go through. I figured it was for the best anyway. We need some time apart.

"I knew you would be in here," Danielle says when she walks into the hotel gym. Since I kicked my addiction cold turkey I've been working out more. It's actually been really good for me.

"Hey," I sit the weights down. "Did you need something?"

"Is everything ok Blaze? You've been a little distant from me. Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not you. It's me and all the shit I got going on in my head. Before we left I found out some stuff that has made me less trusting I guess," I shrug. "Don't take it personally."

She sighs. "Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to give me full details."

"Nope. I'm good," I turn my back to her and continue lifting weights.

I can see her disappointed face through the mirrors. Her head hangs as she stands there debating if she should leave or not. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't want to get close to anyone else. I don't have it in me.

"Well um let me know if you need anything. I'll be in my room," she says then leaves me alone.

It's not even thirty minutes later that she comes barging back in frantically. "Blaze I think you need to see this."

She hands me her phone and there's an article pulled up about Mya missing. It says she's been gone for a week after running away when she was checked out of rehab. I'm honestly surprised that her parents haven't tried to call me to see if I know anything.

"Where do you think she is?" Danielle asks.

"I don't know. I mean maybe with Hanna, but I doubt that after I told her I knew about what happened between them."

"Wait what happened between them?"

"Nothing," I sigh. "I can't believe she fucking ran away. Maybe I should go back to L.A."

"Blaze you're in the middle of a tour. You can't just go back. Management will kill you," she warns.

"I know, but what if I can help them find her? I know how Billie is. She's probably losing her mind."

"She's not your responsibility. If they wanted your help they would contact you. I mean it's been two months and you didn't even know she was in rehab."

I know she's right, but I can't help feeling bad. Mya is completely out of control and I know me blowing up on her didn't help.

Mya's POV ⚠️

"Oh my god turn that crap off," I groan. Hanna has been watching an interview my moms did about me. It's so embarrassing that they're making this such a big deal for no reason. I'm eighteen and have the right to not be at home.

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