Ch. 10

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Blaze's POV

"Blaze come in. It's nice to see you," Mya's mom Alissa smiles.

Today I'm coming to look at some of the work her graphic design team has done for my merch and other promotional materials. I've never had a conversation with her so I'm a little nervous. Unlike with Billie, I don't know how she feels about me. I don't think I can handle both of them hating me.

"Hi," I smile and sit down in front of her desk. My hands latch on to my jeans and I try to wipe away the sweat. "Thanks for meeting with me."

"No thank you for choosing us. I hope it wasn't solely because of Billie," she says.

"Of course not. You've worked with some of my favorite artists so it just seemed like the right thing to do," I say truthfully.

She nods. "That's good to hear. So this is what the interns have come up with."

She pushes an iPad towards me and lets me scroll through different designs. I'm blown away by how good everything looks.

"Damn. This is amazing," I smile. "I love all of it."

"Great! Some of them are big fans of yours so they worked really hard on it," she says proudly. "Do you have any changes you would like to make?"

"No I'm good with everything."

"Alright well that was quick and painless," she laughs lightly. "Now I can talk to you on a personal level."

I'm sure she can see my nervousness all over my face when I hear that statement. I sit quietly waiting for her to spazz on me like Billie did a few weeks ago.

"Blaze, what is it that you want from my daughter?"

"Um well nothing I guess."

"You guess?" she raises an eyebrow.

"No I mean n-nothing. I don't want anything from her. I mean just hear time and company. I really like Mya," I tell her.

"Be honest with me, have you still been seeing each other?"

"Yes," I nod deciding to just be truthful.

"Even though Billie asked you to stay away you still decided to do what you want?"

"Mrs. O'Connell I really like your daughter and I can't stay away from her. I respect Billie, I really do, but Mya makes me happy."

"Hm," she says, eyeing me up and down. "Tell me more about you Blaze. What was your life like before now?"

"My mom was and still is an alcoholic. She used to use drugs a lot and my dad was abusive. We didn't have much and I resented them for it. All I ever wanted was to get away from them and live my own damn life. I don't have any family except my mom, who does nothing but mooch off of me. I tried committing suicide once, but my best friend found me in time. After that I just turned to drugs. I've been doing some of everything since I was about seventeen. Cocaine has just been my go to," I sigh, realizing I've just unloaded a lot. "Um is there anything else you want to know?"

"What's your real name?" she asks.

"Isabella. It's so fucking girly. I hate it," I chuckle.

"I like it. It's pretty and it separates the person from the persona," she says as she stares into my eyes.

"True. I guess I've just gotten used to being Blaze," I shrug.

"Are you lonely Isabella?"

Her question catches me off guard and I feel myself tearing up. "Sometimes, yes."

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