Ch. 6

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Mya's POV

Growing up my parents were never really strict. They took the laid back approach to parenting, which at first was great for everyone. It wasn't until Mila hit thirteen that all hell broke loose and our moms turned into jail wardens, one always nicer than the other.

Lately with the whole Blaze situation I feel like mama has become the mean parent. She and I have always been the closest and truth be told, even though Mila was the bad child, mama would always let me get away with things. Now she's acting like I'm trying to commit a murder and need her to hide the body.

"I have an announcement to make," Mila says as we all sit around the table eating breakfast.

"You're not pregnant are you?" mama asks.

"Ew no," Mila says in disgust. "I'm moving out."

"Finally some good news," mama responds and I laugh.

"Billie," mom swats her arm before turning her attention back to Mila. "Sweetie why would you do that? You know you can stay here as long as you want."

"I know, but I want to be a real adult. I want my own space and stuff," Mila tries to reason.

"Did you have Lindsay go over your financials to make sure you could afford to be on your own?" Mama asks.

"Wait you already knew about this?" mom asks, her tone disapproving.

"I mean she talked to me about it a few months ago, but you know how Mila is. I didn't think she was serious about it."

"Don't be mad at mama. She was just trying to help and to answer your question, yes I talked to Lindsay and she gave me some good advice," Mila smiles. "That's why I started taking more gigs. My savings account is in a good place and I'm actually making enough to get the condo I want in Hollywood."

"Hollywood? Don't you want to just rent a house here?" Mom says.

"No mom. My commute it already long anytime I have a shoot," she says.

"Well I guess you've decided. I'm at least proud of you for taking the adult approach to this and not just rushing into it," mom tells her.

"I can't believe you're going to leave me in this house with them," I whine.

"Ouch. That hurt," mama says, pretending to be sad.

Mila giggles. "Maybe after you graduate you can be my roommate."

"Yeah right. I'd rather slit my own throat. Sorry sis."

"Mya," mom says in shock.

"See why I'm not nice to her," Mila rolls her eyes.

"I was kidding. Dang," I sigh and get up from the table.

"Grandma is coming to visit for a week. Don't forget," mama says.

"Got it. I'll see y'all later," I grab my bag and leave for school.

Rolling into the parking lot I see Micah and Paige having an intense make-out session on the hood of his car. I honk my horn and startle them both.

"Get a room," I yell when I get out of the car.

"OMG Mya," Paige jumps up and down. "Please tell me the rumors are true about you and Blaze."

"What rumors?"

"That y'all are secretly seeing each other. After those pics came out people have been speculating and saying all kinds of stuff. Then she posted that picture today and either that's you or she has a type," she tells me.

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