Ch. 15

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Blaze's POV

The scent of coconut invades my nose waking me out of my sleep. I open my eyes to Mya's hair in my face and her head on my chest. Stretching out my free arm, I tap my phone that's on the nightstand. The time appears and I suppress a groan, knowing I have to get up.

I try to move Mya gently so I can slip out of bed, but she wakes up.

"Morning," she says softly.

"Morning," I kiss the top of her head right before she moves to her side of the bed. I stare at her sweet face for a moment before I continue. "So how mad are your parents going to be that you flew here by yourself?"

"Well you know them, there is nothing too big or too small to be pissed about. I'm sure they're going to bitch for a few weeks over this," she rolls her eyes.

"So there's no chance for us?" I ask as I lay flat on my back staring at the ceiling now.

"At this point, no. I don't care though. We can still see each other secretly until I graduate," she climbs on top of me with a smile.

"What if I don't want that? I mean that was the whole point of trying to get them to come around to the idea. That secret shit doesn't work for people like us Mya. Hell you're going to have to wait at least a hour after me to leave today because of all the fans camped outside."

"Blaze we can handle it. Stop worrying so much. Plus, after last night I can tell you aren't trying to be with me like that anyway," she shrugs.

I suck my teeth. "Don't do that. You know I was just angry and I didn't mean any of that shit."

"I'm not making a big deal about it I'm just being honest. We can just be fuck buddies from now on. I think it's better if we don't do the whole relationship thing anyway. We both have a lot going on and it just wouldn't work right now."

"No, I have a lot going on. You're just creating drama," I raise my voice and move her off of me.

"See, you say shit like that and expect me to believe what you said last night wasn't how you truly feel?"

"It's cause you're frustrating me. I swear I don't know what you want," I run my hands through my hair.

"I just want to be with you in anyway I can and have fun. That's all," she kisses my cheek. "Stop being so uptight."

You and I have different definitions of fun, I think to myself.

I decide to drop the conversation and order us some breakfast. There is no sense in arguing with her anyway. While we wait for our food to come we shower and fuck again.

I can't completely focus though because all I keep thinking about is how I'm supposed to be in love with this girl. I literally told her that a little over a week ago and now all she wants to do is have sex and get high. Why did she chase me so hard if that's all she wanted? I would've agreed to that and stopped myself from catching feelings.

When our meals arrive we eat in silence then I pack my stuff and get ready to leave. "Text me when you make it back home."

"Yes daddy," she smirks playfully. "I'll probably be grounded so don't expect to see me for a couple of days."

"Can you at least call before you just pop up," I sigh.

"Why? Are you going to have other people over?"

"Are you my girl?" I raise my eyebrow.

She folds her arms across her chest. "Could you stop being so petty? Just because we're not official doesn't mean we have to go mess with other people. I mean, I don't plan to."

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