24| synonyms of betrayal include

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Laura's earphone cord was tangled and in a bunch when she pulled them out of her bag. She was currently in the process of saving up for cordless ones, and it wasn't going well. According to her bank account, she was negative twenty-seven dollars of the way there. This was, of course, an issue for Laura as she spent the entirety of the walk to the library untangling them, only to realise she no longer needed them. She had arrived.

Defeated the whole purpose, really.

Laura opened the glass doors and the heavy glass closed violently behind her, the loud slam causing a few people to look over, wondering what the commotion was. She smiled faintly and scurried to the back corner where she waited for Matt to show up.

As she opened her laptop, using all the self-restraint she held to not open Netflix and watch Gilmore Girls, she couldn't help but feel in two minds about the whole thing. It was just studying. She knew that...but she also didn't. She didn't know what to feel.

This whole situation with Oliver and mind-reading and now Matt was more confusing than anything she'd ever experienced before. Suddenly, she wished her parents had prepared her more for this whole 'romance' thing...because it was exhausting. Not just emotionally, but physically as well. Laura slumped down in the chair as her bones ached, she brought her arms above her head and stretched as far as her muscles would allow her to.

This morning's events had been in a never-ending loop in her head, never ceasing for a moment. She longed to relive the moments before the kiss, and the kiss itself. Something about the moments prior was special to her...for some reason. The banter they held until the very last minute. Like the final sands falling from an hourglass. Time's up. And you're back again.

Laura thought about it while she sat there waiting, she wondered if Oliver was thinking about it too. It couldn't be just her, right? He was the one who made the first move, in fact, he'd made all the moves so far. She wondered if he was doubting her feelings, as she'd never done anything to initiate it. She hoped he wasn't.

She decided that the next time she saw him, she would do something to show him how she felt, even if she didn't quite know it herself. Laura had never felt like this before about anyone. Sure, she'd had crushes here and there, but this felt...different, special, new.

"Hey," a voice said, pulling her out of her own thoughts.

She looked up, meeting eyes with the blonde-haired boy, "Hey Matt," she smiled.

"Ready to get started?" He nodded to her laptop and took a seat next to her.

"Yeah," she sighed in annoyance, "I'm really struggling with income distribution and elastic and inelastic goods."

"Let me see what you've got so far," he moved her laptop in front of him and skimmed over her notes, adding a word or two here or there. For the most part, he just seemed to be reading what he'd written. It was brief, she hadn't really been paying attention for the majority of the economics unit, and she was filled with regret. Laura had a few tests coming up, none of which she was remotely prepared for. She could do well, she knew that, but it wouldn't be for her own effort, more for that of Frank, the genius in her class, "It's not bad." Matt spoke, but she could hear the lie in his voice...and in his head.

"They're terrible."

"Not terrible..." he paused, collecting his words, "just a work in progress."

Laura shrugged, "So...how do I make them better then?"

"Here," he said, pulling a fat yellow folder from his bag and cracking it open, revealing the first-ever worksheet the teacher had given them. Laura had lost that the day after it was handed out.

A Suicidal Boy and the Girl Who Could Read His MindWhere stories live. Discover now