09| everything will be fine...right?

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"Laura, are you even listening to me right now?" Kate snapped her fingers in front Laura to get het attention. "Hello?"

"Sorry." Laura stroked my blonde locks, "I'm a little distracted."

"Clearly." She grunted, folding her arms. "Is everything okay?"

Laura nodded, "Yeah, no. Everything's fine. I'm just a little stressed at the moment."

Kate smiled understandingly, "I get it. School's hard, especially senior year."

"Yeah, exactly." She lied. Of course she wasn't really going to mention what was stressing her out. That would open a can of worms that she wasn't ready to dissect. Oliver hadn't been at school for the past two days, and it was really starting to stress her out. She kept waiting for the announcement that he'd done it. Committed suicide. Laura was anxious and sweating all the time, knowing at any moment Oliver could be ending his life.

Not exactly a fun thought for a Wednesday morning, right?

"What do you think I should do?"

"About what?" Laura mumbled, adjusting her ponytail.

"Laura!" Kate exclaimed, waving her arms about, "pay attention please, this is important!"

"Sorry. Yes. Go." Laura focused back in on her best friend.

"It's my parents, I heard them fighting last night. It was so loud. At first it was about the weekly food bill, but then like fifteen more arguments sparked from that." Kate fumbled with her bracelet, averting her gaze to the ground, "I think their marriage might be in trouble."

Laura suddenly felt awful for ignoring her best friend for the past ten minutes and thinking of Oliver instead. She wrapped her arms around Kate tightly, "I'm so, so, sorry Kate."

She sniffles slightly, "I mean, there's no reason to jump to conclusions. It's not like their getting divorced or anything, but it was scary to think about."

Laura smiled sorrowfully, "Roger and Julie always seemed happy when I was over, but I guess you never know what goes on behind closed doors."

Don't think of Oliver, don't think of Oliver.

"Yeah..." she trails off, "anyway, so last night was shitty but I'll be okay. We'll be okay. My family, I mean. Everything will be fine...right?"

"Everything will be fine," Laura nodded at her vulnerable best friend, "it has to be."

Kate stood from the bench quickly, brushing her plaid skirt off. Laura watched as muffin crumbs fell to the floor, "I have a study period, don't want to be late." She excused herself quickly, leaving Laura sitting alone. With a boost of spontaneity, she decided to go off campus for her study period. Senior were allowed to do that, something Laura knew she'd take advantage of through the year.

She connected her earphones and shuffled her latest playlist on Spotify. Collecting her bag, she stood up and proceeded to the front of the school.

"Jesus Christ!" Laura gasped when a large force knocked her out of balance, "what the-"

"Oh for fuck sake, you again?" A masculine voice grunted from above her.

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