05| isn't that just peachy

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Laura was sitting at her favourite cafe that afternoon, going over the day's events in her head. This was something she did regularly; just stopped to think about what happened in the twenty-four hours since the day before. If people knew about her gift, she'd imagine that they'd be confused as to why she would stop to process her own thoughts when everyone else's are at her disposal. Why be burdened with her mind when she could dive into another in the blink of an eye. To be fair, Laura thought there was a certain privacy she needed to respect. Everyone has boundaries and just because Laura has the ability to break them down doesn't necessarily mean she deserves to.

She wasn't perfect though, sometimes she had slip-ups where she would zone out for a few minutes and be jumping from person to person, dissecting their brain as you would in a lab. There was a sense of guilt that would eat away at her whenever she did this, and even with time, it never got easier to control.

Taylor Swift's 'august' came on in The Lotus Cafe & Dine, and Laura felt a wave of peacefulness and tranquillity wash over her as she slowly sipped her beverage. It was getting late, and she knew walking home before it got dark would be wise, but Laura felt at home. Ironically, she felt more at home here than she did her actual house. Her mood deflated and she swung her bag off the seat, it was bordering on 7.30 now and the dinner crowd were flooding through the double-doors.

It was semi-dark out now, but Laura's surroundings were still clear. She logged onto Snapchat for the first time in a few days and watched as all the new snaps loaded in. Her shoulder's sagged from pure exhaustion and she closed the app. Laura couldn't wait to get back home and see Pepper. Lord knows she'll be wagging her tail and barking wildly when she hears the front door open.

Laura couldn't help but think of the irritating encounter she'd had with the new guy, Oliver. She'd only known him less than a few minutes, and he was already a total jackass in her eyes. Something about the way he speaks and conducts himself just didn't sit right with her, not to mention those vulgar looks he shoots her every chance he gets. Laura didn't even know what she'd gone wrong...well, that wasn't true. She did know. But surely spilling a little coffee isn't worth the treatment she was receiving.

Maybe that was just how he is? He could just be one of those arrogant, rude kind of people, but there was something in her gut that told her that wasn't the case. She hadn't seen him interact with their peers either, she only saw for the three minutes they'd spoken in the last few minutes of math class - that was is. She hadn't seen him since. Of course, she'd see him in math tomorrow, because apparently, he was in her class now.

Isn't that just peachy...

* * *

Her parents were milling around the house when she arrived home after the brisk walk back. She could hear Ethan playing a video game from the living room and wondered what the deal was with teenage boys and video games? There was no answer, it seemed. Mom barely greeted Laura when she walked into the main area, just gave her a perky "hi, honey!" and that was it. Dad was preparing dinner, probably something Moroccan that he'd found in an old cookbook he'd spent the day digging up.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at the semi-ignorant parents of hers. Nonetheless, she dragged herself up the stairs and collapsed on her bed, wiggling until she found a spot worthy of spending some time situated in. Kate was typing when she picked up her phone, needless to say, she opened the chat.

Kate Collins: new guys Instagram!!!

Kate Collins: https://www.instagram/oliver_martinez/

authors note:

ooooh, I wonder what his posts are like? jk i do know hehe (evil laughter)

alright, well. see ya'll next time. expect chapters to be around this long from here on out, this is as novella type book after all : )

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end-of-chapter-question: are you a swiftie? if so, what's your favourite song?

mads 🌻

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