07| the new kid wants to kill himself

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As far as she could tell, Oliver disliked Laura as much as she did him. It quite amusing, if she was being honest. She had the ability to get under his skin in a way she hadn't with anyone before. Laura had never had an enemy, she was too invisible to even be recognized as an acquaintance, much less someone to despise. Things were changing for her now because Oliver hadn't said a word to her in over an hour. He would stare at the google document in front of him for a moment or two, grumble slightly, and turn back to his booklet.

They'd been given class time to work on the practical elements of the project, which wasn't working out too well for them. Every few minutes, Oliver would bump Laura's elbow with his, then proceed to snarl at her.

It's his damn fault for being left handed.

Rolling her eyes, she turned back to her dissection, which was going poorly as well, mind you.

"You two are very silent over here," Mr Allan commented, to Laura's chagrin. He peered stealthily over at the work, especially at the frog she was carefully pulling apart. Part of her felt bad for the frog and the pain it must've felt, but really she felt sorry for herself the most, because nothing was as bad as this. "Very good, Laura. That takes a nice, steady hand. Well done." Mr Allan praised, provoking Oliver to scoff beside her.

Her face whipped towards him, "What?" She snapped.

"I didn't say anything."

She glared at him, "Whatever."

"It's just..." he trails off, staring into the distance for a moment, "steady isn't exactly the word I would use to describe you."

"Oh yeah?" her face contorted, "and what word would you use then?"

He shrugs, "Clumsy, awkward, unco-ordinated. Stupid."

Laura was slightly taken back at his outburst, and at the way he held nothing back. She noticed he wasn't the type of guy to stay reserved in his thoughts, but rather spoke his mind

"I'm not stupid." I said plainly, "Clumsy, yes. Awkward, absolutely. Uncoordinated, mention my name in gym class and Mr Kelly will chuckle. But stupid, I don't think so."

He laughs for a moment. Sure, it was a sadistic and mocking laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. "Is that right?"

"Yes," I stated, "but I don't need to explain myself to you. You don't know me."

"Well," he pauses, eyeing me over, "that's not entirely true."


"You wanna know what I think of you?"

She shrugged, "Not particularly."

Olivet tilted his head, "I'm going to tell you anyway." He waited for me to protest, when I didn't, he continued. "I think you're different."

"Like 'don't eat the glue-stick' different? Or regular different?" Laura watched as a sliver of amusement fleeted from his eyes.

"Neither," he turned back to his paper, but continued speaking, "there's something...off about you. I don't know. I can't quite place it, you just seem like you have something to hide," he trailed off, and Laura fell into a trance of horror. "and I'm usually pretty accurate when it comes to reading people."

She could feel her throat closing in, much like the walls of the classroom. She tried to get her breathing under control and focus solely on the specimen. It was no use.

"Have you gotten the DNA yet?" Oliver asked, breaking her away from her narcissistic mind. He clicked his fingers in front of her eyes, she visibly flinched.

Of course, he didn't ask if she was alright. He didn't care. All he did was give her an eye-roll and a glare, then turned away.

Laura blinked for a few moments, trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. He didn't know about her. He couldn't, right? There was no way!

Her eyes flicked over to him and she noticeably gulped, then shook her head, unsure of why she was nervous in the first place. Though, the desire to indulge herself in his thoughts was still there, and it was knowing away at her slowly, encouraging her to take a leap of faith. She didn't need faith, she had her gift.

And that was enough.

What does this mean? I swear we haven't been taught this. Fuck. Anything but biology, I don't understand any of this shit.

Fuck! She's looking over. Act like you know what to do. It's fine. You just called her stupid, don't turn the tables, Oliver. Focus!

I give up. I give up. I give up! I'm done. I can't do this anymore. Like mom's death and dads diagnosis wasn't enough already but a new school, a new town. When does it end?

When will it end?

It has to end.

I need to make it end.

Laura pulled herself away, just as the bell began to ring. Oliver left without saying a word, but in a way he'd told her more than she ever needed to know. She packed her books silently, trying to distract herself from the new information she'd accidentally (well, kind of on purpose) stumbled across.

The new kid wants to kill himself.

authors note:

oooh a twist! what are your thoughts so far?? 😽

end-of-chapter-question: are you a leftie or a rightee? I, myself am I leftie. If you're ambidextrous you automatically have my respect.

mads 🌻

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