01| a mediocre girl who may or may not be able to read minds

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You know, sometimes, Laura didn't really understand this whole 'life' thing. One moment you can feel content and happy, on top of the world...and the next you can hit rock bottom, without the universe blinking an eye or thinking twice about what it's doing to you. Laura didn't like this fact, though it was something she thought about frequently. She didn't understand life. Why was she put here?

Of course, that applied to more than the world in general. Laura wondered why she had to endure almost a full hour of business studies, learning about the ethics of a business and what it takes to uphold them. All she could think about was The Office and its ethics episode. Her classmates looked equally bored out of their minds; some were wasting the fifty-five minutes by perusing Pinterest on laptops or scrolling through Instagram on their phones, concealed by computer screens.

Laura was scribbling in her notebook, sketching to the best of her ability the faces of her peers. Her friend Kate was too busy taking notes beside her to notice Laura's actions. Kate was beautiful, and had the complexion some would only fantasize about; her brown hair cascaded down her back elegantly, while her deep blue eyes enticed those who stared and drew them in. Her smile was that of a goddess, one with enormous power who could tame and empower those around her, with the simple use of a grin.

Laura wasn't upholding any of these attributes, in fact, she had made a mess of Kate's face as a whole. At least she knew a career as an artist wasn't in the cards for her future. Laura didn't mind though; she only drew when she could think of nothing better to do. And right now she really had nothing better to do. She erased the sketch with shame, just as the bell rang, signaling the end of fifth period. The paper she'd drawn on had creased from her furious erasing and the faint outline of the sketch was still taunting her as she left class.

Kate turned to her, "Ready for biology?"

Laura looked up from her notepad, "Sorry?"

"Biology? The quiz?"

Laura practically choked on the air around her, feeling her throat close in. "That's today? I thought it was later in the week!"

Kate simply laughed at her best friend, while throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail. Laura adjusted her braid, recentering it to align with her spine. "Don't stress. I'm sure you'll be fine, Laur."

She would be. She knew that already. All she had to do was trust Frank Harrison's brain and she would be set. He was the smartest kid in their class, and everyone fought for a seat next to him when exam day arrived.

Laura was never one of those kids, as you may be expecting. No, she positioned herself in the back corner and everything fell into place. She tried not to use her talent in test situations, but with the opportunity sitting in front of her (literally, he sat in the front row), how could she not? It was her fault for not preparing, but her grades didn't need to suffer all that much.


It wasn't like she abused her power a lot anyway. She would simply copy enough right answers to get a passing mark and then try to do the rest herself. This resulted in a solid C-grade average, good enough to not raise a red flag, but not enough to ask questions. Laura was incredibly mediocre; she averaged a high C in most classes, she wasn't popular, but she wasn't irrelevant and she wasn't ugly, but she wasn't jaw-drop worthy, unlike Kate.

Mediocre. That's what Laura would call herself in one word if she was asked, as boring as it may seem. That being said, she had one attribute that made her special. Well, how do you describe someone like her? There weren't really any words in the dictionary for a-mediocre-girl-who-may-or-may-not-be-able-to-read-minds...see, what would you even call that? A psychopath is what she'd likely be labelled by others if they ever found out.

Laura slipped her books into her locker, pulling out the revision booklet she'd yet to complete and flicked through it for a few seconds before folding it away. She caught a glimpse of herself in the locker mirror Kate insisted she install, and almost gasped at the sight. Her hair was a frizzy mess, her mascara was starting to shed slightly and the concealer she'd applied this morning was as good as gone.

Good for 12 hours, my ass. She thought to herself.

Laura attempted to fix her hair a little by putting it up into a bun. It looked worse if anything, but she didn't have time to redo it again. Her roots were starting to grow back already, even though Laura had gone to the salon less than a month ago. She looked at her sandy-blonde hair and smiled at her new color, it was far better than the 'bronde' look she had going on back in tenth grade. Laura closed her locker and shuffled along the corridor down to the biology labs. It was last period on a Tuesday...and she had a biology test to (almost) fail.

authors note:

chapter one ( new & improved ) done ✔️

new chapters coming soon (maybe idrk)

end-of-chapter-question : what is your favourite tv series? 📺

mads 🌻

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