18| normalcy

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"If you had to choose between coffee and Gilmore Girls, which would it be?" Kate questioned, sipping her mocha while crossing her legs. She and Laura were positioned on the benches in the front of school, catching up on the latest and greatest.

Laura pondered for a while, thinking about it in a lot more depth than it probably required but here she was, thinking about one of life's most important questions. At least, for Laura.

Coffee or Gilmore girls?

"Hitting me with the hard stuff, I see."

"Laura, coffee versus Gilmore girls shouldn't be this hard for you to answer."

Laura rolled her eyes, taking a large gulp of the caffeine in front of her, "Well, you're not me are you?"

"Thank god for that too, I couldn't deal with this lack of decision making and prioritising."

"Yeah, yeah. Get fucked."

"I will, thanks." Kate bumps my shoulder, pushing Laura closer to the edge of the seats. There were a few students sprinkled around the area, but for the most part, the two girls were alone. Laura jumped at this opportunity to tune in with her best friend and make sure she was okay, especially with her parents and their constant bickering. Okay, so Laura was paraphrasing, but the way Kate described it was too harsh to repeat. Laura was worried that they'd get a divorce, but more surprised than anything. Of all the years she'd known the couple, it never hit Laura that they could have marital problems. They always seemed so...happy, comfortable, in love. At least that's what it seemed like, what it looked like to her, from an outside perspective. Of course, Laura has never been in love herself, so who was she to judge other people's relationships?

"So, how's everything at home?" Kate almost choked on her mouthful of hot chocolate, quickly swallowing and coughing for a solid thirty seconds, "Dear Lord, are you okay? Don't die on me."

She giggled, "Don't worry. I won't cark it until at least sixty."

"Yeah, I mean I'm gonna dip when I hit my mid life crisis, so prepare yourself for that." Laura teased, knowing full well that she was only partly kidding. Who knows, her mid-life crisis could hit any day now. Seventeen years was more than enough. Laura looked up from her silent laughter and suddenly felt very guilty at her playful thoughts, as Ollie was walking right by her and Kate as they spoke.

He really did think that seventeen years was more than enough. Laura gulped and turned back towards Kate, repeating the question she'd asked earlier, "So, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I mean...as good as it can be right now," she paused, "I don't think they're getting divorced, which is a good sign, but they do have their problems. I overheard them talking in the kitchen yesterday about going to couples councelling, I'm not sure what for, but I think it's good they're trying."

"That's great, but you really don't know what started it? I mean, what are they fighting about? I don't mean to pry, but your parents always seemed so in love, I can't imagine them on the brink of seperating."

Kate nodded, "No, no, I thought the same thing. They were...are...sickly in love, It didn't make sense at all. I think it's something in my dad's past...or my mom's. I couldn't tell you, but something from their past has surfaced and it's just rocked the boat, but I think the waves will settle soon. Hopefully."

A Suicidal Boy and the Girl Who Could Read His MindWhere stories live. Discover now