Second Day on the Job

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You opened the big double doors to Circus Baby's, holding your ringed hand with Scott's. It was his first day on the job, finally! You decided it would be best to drive him there, as you didn't feel comfortable letting Scott drive just yet after being injured so recently ago. It was a good thing both of your shifts conveniently started at the same time.

You both entered the pizzeria, both of you being in shock as you were when you first entered the building. The hustle and bustle of the place was a hard thing to get used to, not to mention the large animatronics roaming the pizzeria. After that initial wave of shock, you led Scott to the employees only room, opening the plain door.

As you both walked into the small room, Timothy interrupted, "Well, hiya there! You must be the new employee!"

Timothy pushed you away from Scott and took the hand that you were holding, shaking it vigorously. He shouted, that ridiculous grin on his face, "I'm Timothy, but you can call me 'Tim', haha!"

Your fiancé began, shooting you a concerned look, "Oh, well, um, I'm Scott-"

"Haha! Of course you are!" Timothy then turned to you so fast that he probably gave himself whiplash. He shouted once more, a shit eating grin on his face, "Worry not about showing him around, (Y/N), my friend! I'll take care of it!"

You rolled your eyes, but started, "Sure, I-"

"Yup! Don't worry about it, friendo! Oh, and yea! You're still on prize counter today!" Timothy interrupted, as you were accustomed to him doing.

You softly shook your head and whispered into Scott's ear before heading to the changing room, "Good luck, babe... You're gonna need it."

Scott shot you a worried glance as you backed into the other room, watching his expression. You tried to hold in a giggle as you shut the door behind yourself. Your poor fiancé has no idea what he's getting himself into...

You quickly threw on your cheesy attire, getting ready for your job as quickly as you could. You didn't want that one girl, Nisha or whatever, to give you attitude again for being late. You rolled your eyes at Circus Baby's face on your shirt reflected in the mirror. It was time to go. You opened the door and made your way out of the employee's room.

As you strode past the animatronics and arcade cabinets to the prize counter, you took note of Bon Bon waving at you with his tiny paw. You supposed that was now a daily occurrence in your job. You shuddered as you walked past Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon, the latter particularly staring you down. You really cannot get away from animatronic rabbits.

You arrived to your station, noting that it was already empty. You supposed Nisha was slacking off or something. She seemed like the type who would just leave the prize counter empty. Not caring, you shook your head and took a seat in front of the glass counter, waiting for customers. 

Throughout the day, you dealt with a wide variety of patrons. There were some decent, some annoying; all in all, the ushe. You were particularly annoyed by a group of teens that walked up to the counter. (God, you knew you were getting old when you get annoyed by a group of teens). One of them asked you if they could trade a pack of cigarettes for a Circus Baby plushie. What kind of a question is that?? At a kid's restaurant, nonetheless! 

Of course, you politely ushered them out of the building, not wanting such hooligans to taint the atmosphere of the restaurant. As expected, they made a big scene out of it, yelling and cursing on the top of their lungs. You felt so bad for the kids who had to hear that. You saw a little girl crying from it, for frick's sake.

You shook your head, staring down at the glass counter. You were glad that scene was just over now. Teens can be such assholes. 

"H-hey, honey."

A familiar voice interrupted you from your thought process, startling you. You looked up, seeing it was just Scott.

"Hey, Scotty," you said, putting your hands on the counter. You looked him up and down, chuckling at his outfit. He had to wear the same uniform as you; that ugly pink polo and khaki shorts. You winked, laughing, "Nice outfit, by the way."

"Hey, you're one to talk! We're wearing the same thing!" Scott crossed his arms, pulling an overexaggerated pouty face. He then laughed, beginning, "So, Timothy was... really something."

You rolled your eyes, smiling, "God, I know. He is a unique person, that's for sure."

"I swear, though, if he calls himself 'Silly Tim' one more time..." Scott groaned.

You laughed, "So, I take it you're enjoying your first day?"

"You know what?" He shrugged, "It's, uh, a lot better than our last job. I'll give it that."

"Honestly, that's a fair comparison. I'd rather deal with Silly Tim than Freddy Fazbear."

Scott jokingly groaned, "Ugh, noooo, please no more Silly Tim!" You two shared a laugh at that, spending most of your shared break together joking about Timothy. Who knew such a man could be something to bond over. 

Nearing the end of the break, Scott began with a more serious tone, fiddling with his ring, "So, y'know how we're getting married, right? Uh, yea, of course you know," You can tell Scott was mentally face palming at himself right now. He started again, "Well, uh, I was thinking it would make sense for us to, um, move in together since we will be when we get married anyway..."

You nodded, taking his ringed hand with yours, "Yea, I think we should move in together. Honestly should've sooner," You laughed, "Actually, is it ok if I move into your house? I found out the other day that Timothy's my neighbor. I don't think he knows yet, but I saw him doing laundry in the apartment complex and I really kinda don't want to be his neighbor."

Scott chuckled, "Yea, in this case I'd rather you move in with me, too. Seeing him at work is already, uh, a bit much."

"You can say that again."

After that agreement, you two finished your break together and went back to your respective tasks, you going back to the prize counter and Scott serving pizza. 

(A/N): Hey, guys! Sorry I didn't update last week; I was really busy with life and everything. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, though!

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