First Date

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You knocked on Scott's front door excitedly. You had hurried home right after work to get ready for your date with him and you had decided to throw on some casual clothes, as you were just going to watch a show with him, before anxiously making your way to his house. You brushed some strands of hair away from your face, waiting for him to answer. The bright morning sun lightly shone on your back and the door, contributing to your peppy mood as well.

After a beat, Scott opened the door, beaming at you. He was also dressed casually, wearing jeans and a plain t-shirt. It comforted you knowing that you weren't the only one dressing casually for your first date. 

He began, opening the door wider and motioning for you to come in, "Uh, hey, (Y/N)!" You walked in and he shut the door behind you. He looked down at his hands, flushing red, "You, um... It's nice to see you in something other than work clothes."

You blushed at that, mirroring his actions, "Thanks.. You, too."

After a strained moment of silence, he began again, looking at you, "Sorry, I, uh, didn't mean to make this awkward."

"Nah, you didn't," You reassured him and he led you to his living room.

You plopped down on the plush navy blue couch as he sauntered over to the VHS player and put in the tape. You crossed a leg over the other as the tv lit up, ready to play the finale. He pressed play and sat only about an inch away from the right of you. He was close to you. Super close. There was no way you could focus on the finale with Scott this close to you! 

You tried to focus your attention on the screen when the narrator began, "As the trees sway in the wind, so also do emotions sway between star-crossed lovers!"

Though it was hard to focus and you kept glancing at Scott from the corner of your eye, you managed to pay attention enough to watch the drama unfold between Vlad and Clara. You watched as the camera panned over them in front of Vlad's burning house. You and Scott shared a laugh as they began arguing over the house with the fact that Clara set it on fire. 

You inadvertently leaned closer to Scott as the drama continued to unfold and let out a melodramatic gasp as Vlad and Clara began arguing over the baby again, going back and forth with their clever dialogue. 

As they were reaching the climax of their argument, you felt an arm wrap around the upper part of your back and a hand land on your left shoulder. You blushed and shot Scott a coy smile as he pulled you closer to him. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest, it was beating so hard now. Despite your increased heart rate and temperature from the closeness you now shared with Scott, you still attempted to watch the rest of the finale.

Even though you tried to focus all your attention on the show, you decided to be bold and cuddle up closer to Scott as the drama continued anyway. You returned your focus to the screen as Vlad and Clara made up over the fact that the ring he gave her was found in a kid's meal, indicating that Vlad truly did care about their son. You let out an 'aww' as they finally kissed and the narrator talked the audience through the outro. At that, the finale ended and so did the tape.

Despite the episode finishing, you and Scott continued cuddling, feeling almost natural, as if you were made to cuddle with him. After a beat, though, you glanced at the clock hanging on the wall to your left, reading 8:00 am now. It was getting late, for the standards of a night shift worker, so you had to excuse yourself and head home to get some sleep.

You begrudgingly shifted out of your leaning position on Scott and out of his arms. You cleared your throat awkwardly, "Sooo, thanks for inviting me, I had fun! Can't wait to see season two, but um, I need to go home and get some sleep."

He nodded and got up, offering you his hand to help you off the couch (what a gentleman!). You accepted the hand and allowed yourself to be pulled onto your feet. He walked you to the door and opened it for you. He smiled shyly, scratching the back of his neck, "Thanks for coming over.. We should, uh, do this again some time. Another date, yea."

You returned his smile and let yourself out the door, "I'd love that, Scott."

You let yourself become bold again and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Promptly after, you realized what you did and quickly became embarrassed. You practically scurried over to your car, getting out there as quickly as possible, and left behind a Scott holding his cheek, smiling from ear to ear. 

(A/N): Hope you enjoyed this chapter, ya'll! Sorry if this one wasn't too juicy; writing this part made me realize just how terrible I am at writing romance lol. I'm trying, though! So, if you have any suggestions or comments about the writing in this chapter, please let me know!

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