Night 4

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You shut the big pizzeria doors behind you as you walked in. You walked with a pep in your step as you passed the animatronics on stage and made your way to the office. You managed to get a good night's (or day's?) rest after your date with Scott; you were generally in a good mood after how well the date went. And plus you were excited to see Scott himself again even though you know that the animatronics were gonna cause you trouble, as they always do.

You entered the office and smiled at Scott, who was sitting at the desk. You began, "Yoo, so do you mind if I take the doors this time? I hated the cameras."

Scott returned your smile, "Yea, I don't mind, go ahead."

You leaned against the left wall, looking down at your hands, "So I had fun earlier.."

"I did, too! We should do this again some time soon."

"Yea, how does Saturday sound?" You continued, "There's a new escape room in town and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"An escape room? Always wanted to do one of those!" He was interrupted by the clock chiming, indicating the start of the shift. Scott began again, "Um, I'd love to go with you."

You smiled at that and Scott started flipping through the cameras. You tried to ignore the fact that you just asked him out on a date that was actually quite similar to your shared job. Though you hoped you'll never need to find an escape from the restaurant while on a shift. The job's already stressful and dangerous enough as it is. You don't need Freddy (and mostly Bonnie) to chase you two around until you figure out how to exit. No thanks.

You brushed that thought aside as Scott told you to shut the right door. You slammed the  button hard, shutting the door violently in front of Chica. You almost felt bad; Chica hasn't done anything wrong. Yet. You leaned on the shut door.

You tried to make conversation, "Sooo, how's life?"

"Uh, y'know, been going out with this cutie so it's been going pretty good," Scott winked at you.

You blushed, crossing your arms, "Smooth."

You got out of your leaning position and checked the door. Chica was no longer there. You waited a few minutes until Scott began again, "Foxy's on his way, shut the left door, (Y/N)!"

You practically ran over to the other door and slammed the button down even harder than you did Chica's. No way were you gonna let Foxy come in and unalive both of you. Stupid running animatronic. You seriously couldn't think of one reason why one would need an animatronic that could run.

You were forcibly removed from your thoughts as you heard Foxy slam against the door, scratching his hook against the metal. You cringed at the sound; you were never going to get used to that.

You tried to the best of your ability to make conversation in spite of the horrible noise resounding through the office, "So quick quesh... Just now thinking about this," Scott turned to look at you while simultaneously paid attention to the cameras, "What are we gonna do if we run out of power while there's animatronics on both sides? Like, I know we were lucky that one time when we only had one animatronic on one side, but what if we weren't?"

Great, you just brought the mood down. You frowned to yourself, but you couldn't help but feel worried about that.

"Uhh, maybe we could play dead? Um, maybe then they'll think we're empty costumes instead  and carry on with their night?" He scratched the back of his neck and sighed, "Then again, if they think we're empty costumes, they might try to stuff a, um, metal skeleton into us..."

You gave him a blank look and returned your attention to the door. There were no longer any scratching noises. You squeezed your eyes shut and opened the door, half expecting Foxy to run in and suplex your ass. You opened your eyes after a beat. Nothing had happened. You looked back at Scott, continuing the depressing conversation, "Yeaa, let's just try not to get caught then. I swear, you can't win with this place."

"Nope, you can't," Scott looked up at you, "By the way, I'd, uh, shut that door again. Bonnie's here."

"Why's it always Bonnie?!" You groaned and slammed the door button on that stupid rabbit's stupid eyebrowless face.

Scott looked at you again, concern lacing his features, "What? All the animatronics are trying to kill us, not just Bonnie."

"Well yea, but I swear Bonnie has beef with me or something! He's out to get me," You turned to him, "Him and his stupid eyebrowless face!"

Scott chuckled, "Sounds like you're the one who has beef with him."

"Well he started it!" You crossed your arms, pouting. Scott laughed at this display and you couldn't help but join in. Though, you still knew Bonnie is out to get you.

After a beat, the shift ended, indicated by the typical cheers of the disembodied children (maybe it was the ghosts of dead children? You hoped that wasn't the case). The shut door lifted up and you made your way out the door, Scott trailing you.

You ambled alongside Scott through the pizzeria, now lit with the rising sun through the windows. You gave Bonnie a quick glare as you passed the stage (how the hell did he get back to the stage that quickly?). You began, "Well, that was an eventful shift."

He opened the door for you, "Sure was. I'm, uh, kinda scared to see how crazy tomorrow's gonna be."

"God, I'm sure it's gonna be insane," You gratefully walked through the door and stood aside, waiting for him.

"Yea..." He walked out the door and scratched his neck, looking away from you, "So, see ya tomorrow, I guess."

You averted your eyes to the ground, "Yea, see ya."

But before you two parted your separate ways, you felt a rush of boldness overcome you and stood on your tip-toes to capture his lips with your own. Scott let out a sound of surprise but relaxed and put his arms around your waist. You fluttered your eyes shut as you wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss began as innocent and gentle and sweet, but grew more passionate as it was deepened. Your heart fluttered and your knees felt weak, but you still pushed on with the kiss hungrily. 

After what seemed like an eternity and yet no time at all, you both parted, breathing heavily. You both gazed into each other's eyes softly for a moment, but you quickly shifted your focus to the ground, blushing. After another beat, you shifted out of the embrace and shot him a nervous grin.

"I gotta head back home now," You awkwardly stumbled to your car, "See ya tomorrow!"

You quickly sped out of the parking lot at that, embarrassed, yet thrilled. You left behind a dumbfounded Scott.

(A/N): Yeet

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