Spending Time Together

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You awoke feeling well rested. Though, you still didn't want to get out of bed. You closed your eyes again and turned to your side, expecting Scott's presence. The bed sheets were still warm, but he wasn't in the bed with you anymore. He must have gotten up not too long ago. You groaned and pushed off the soft covers. It was time to get up.

You hissed as you felt the cool air wash over you whole body. You winced. Oh yea, you were naked. You got on to your feet slowly and made your way to the pile of your crumpled clothes on the floor. You then got dressed. As you were putting on your socks, you remembered you have work today... And you left your uniform at home.

You sighed and glanced at the digital clock in the room. It read 9:35. You had a few hours until work, and if you left soon, you would have time to do your daily routine. Though, you wanted to say goodbye to Scott first. But where is he?

You opened the door. Upon walking out, you were hit with a sweet smell. It smelled like some kind of sugary dessert. Shit, that smelled good. You supposed he was in the kitchen, then.

You weren't the most familiar with the layout of Scott's house, as you had only been there twice, but the house wasn't huge, so you could manage to find the kitchen. The bedroom was separated from the living room by its door. So, by mental mapping, you were now in the living room. The living room had two other doors; the one on the right you knew led to the hallway where the front door was. You weren't sure where the door straight across from the bedroom's led to.

You decided to check out that one first. You made your way across the living room and opened the door. You were greeted by Scott wearing a cute apron; it had the same design as Chica's bib: the "Let's Eat!!" logo. You didn't even know Freddy's sold aprons. Well, either way you found the kitchen.

You leaned on the door frame, trying to look smooth, "Whatcha cookin', good lookin'?"

You mentally facepalmed. That was, like, the opposite of smooth.

Scott chuckled, and turned his head to face your's, "Just some pancakes," He flipped one for emphasis, "I was gonna make you breakfast, or erm dinner, in bed, but you're, uh, already up."

Holy shit, Scott is literally the sweetest person you've ever dated. Most guys would've kicked you out by now!

"Oh, uh, thanks," You then remembered that you both have work in a few hours. You sat down at the nearby table and began again, "I should actually head home soon, to get ready for work and everything. 'Cuz my uniform's at home, so..."

Scott flipped the pancakes onto a plate and sat it in front of you, "You can borrow one of my extras if you want. Oh, and don't worry about it being too big; we work the night shift so it's not like anyone else will be there to reprimand you."

You blushed at the thought of wearing one of Scott's uniforms. Scott obviously wanted you to spend the rest of the time before work with him, so you decided to take on his offer. You nodded your head, "Yea, sure. I'd like that."

"Alright, good! Let's eat dinner-breakfast before it gets cold, though," Scott sat down with his own plate of pancakes.

"Sounds good to me. Thanks for making them, you're the best, babe," You kissed Scott on the cheek, earning a soft smile from him.

You then dug into the pancakes; they were light and fluffy and just friggin' delicious. They definitely tasted as good as they smelled. You could honestly eat them without syrup, that's how good they were. They tasted more like a dessert than a breakfast item, if you were being completely honest. You had no idea Scott was such a good cook!

"Ok, seriously, these are so good. What do you do to make them taste so heavenly, Scott?? Like, I've only ever made boxed pancakes."

Scott grinned, "Oh, y'know, just a good ol' family recipe; buttermilk and whatnot."

"Your family recipe friggin' rocks," You took his hand, "Please cook for me more often."

Scott laughed, "Ok, sure will. How does tomorrow night for dinner sound?"

"I would love that. Same time?"

"Yea," Scott nodded, "I'll even make something fancy. How does steak sound?"

"That sounds wonderful," You mentally high-fived yourself. You got yourself a boyfriend who cooks. LET'S GOOOO!

You both finished your pancakes in a comfortable silence. Scott got up and took your plate with his and put them in the sink. He began washing them.

"You want me to help, honey?" You asked sweetly. You felt it would be fair to do the dishes after the fact that Scott made you the best pancakes you've ever had in your life.

"Sure. How about I clean them and you dry them?"

"Sounds good to me," You took a clean plate from him and began drying it with a nearby towel.

After a little while, you reckoned about half an hour, you both finished up cleaning the breakfast-dinner dishes. You now had about two hours before you had to head to work.

Scott dried his hands on a towel, "Alright, I should probably get you that uniform now."

You nodded and he took you to his bedroom. You stood in the doorway, waiting for Scott to find it. After rummaging through his dresser drawers, he found the spare uniform. He handed it to you and then took out his regular uniform. You took a step to the side as he began heading out the door.

He said, "You can get dressed in the bedroom, if you want. I'll be in the bathroom."

You shrugged and closed the door behind you. He's already seen you naked, but you guess he couldn't help but continue to be a gentleman.

He was right about the uniform being rather large on you; you had to fold up the sleeves so that it could fit you better, but there wasn't much to do about the too-long pants, as dress pants are a bit more difficult to fold up. You sighed and tucked the shirt into the pants. At least it smells like Scott.

You opened the door and plopped yourself on the couch next to Scott. Looks like he finished getting dressed before you did. He grinned, looking you up and down. He wiggled his eyebrows, "Well, you look adorable, my dear (Y/N)."

You blushed and turned away, crossing your overly-clothed arms. He chuckled at your pouting and gently grabbed your chin, turning your head to face his. He said sincerely, "You really do look cute," He added in a flirtatious tone, "Though you do look cuter without them on, or without anything on for that matter."

You flushed red, "Oh, calm down, Scott. We can't get too crazy, we have work in a couple of hours."

"Yea, you're right," He laughed, bringing your face closer to his, "But we can at least spend a little time together."

"Sure, we have time," You filled in the gap between you two with a kiss, connecting your lips with his softly.

(A/N): Ayup, here ya go, some nice domestic fluff. Also that Fazbear Fanverse Initiative is gonna be so lit, like I've been so excited since I've heard about it. Think I'm most excited for TJoC, but I do absolutely love the other games chosen, too. Ya'll should comment which one you're most excited for :)

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