Nate was planning to head to Madrid to work with an old family friend who was heading up a project that they wanted him to be part of. He had made a mark for himself as an architect in London and that was bringing on a new wave of opportunities for him. I was happy he was getting all these amazing opportunities but initially, the idea of leaving London riddled me with anxiety. I had a clear plan for my life and that never included leaving but I had to support my boyfriend. We had discussed settling down there if everything worked out the way he was hoping it would and after a while, I actually started to become excited about the change. It was completely out of character for me. I usually hated change - it terrified me. I had to have everything planned out but we discussed going to Madrid together and that became part of the new plan for us.

My mother wasn't thrilled about me leaving London but she was adamant to find a way to make it work for me. According to her, leaving my job was not an option so after some convincing, it was agreed that I could continue my work remotely for the time being.

I was getting ready to leave to meet him at our favourite Italian restaurant when Nate stumbled into our apartment.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, shocked and confused by this out-of-character behaviour

This was not how Nate behaved. He was never one to drink or go out - we were simple people who enjoyed the so-called "finer things in life". At the time, I never wanted to use the word 'boring' but if I'm being honest now, that's exactly what our lives were. There was no room for any distractions in the plan and I had learned to accept that. He walked over to the kitchen counter and had to lean against it to help hold him up. He undid his tie and threw it across the kitchen. He started to unbutton the top of his shirt, avoiding eye contact with me

"Isabella," he slurred, "I can't do this anymore"

I held my breath

"What?" I asked, even though I had heard exactly what he said

"This," he indicated to him and I, "I can't do this relationship anymore. I'm sorry but this is getting way too serious for me. Everyone wants us to get engaged and get married and I can't handle this pressure, I don't want it. I haven't even lived yet and I'm not ready for that kind of commitment,"

I waited for the tears but they never came. Instead, I went numb.

"You're breaking up with me?" I tried to remain calm but I couldn't deny the confusion bubbling over inside

He nodded, "I'm sorry but you deserve someone who can give you what you want right now and that's not me,"

"We don't have to get engaged right now, Nate,"

"I know but it's what your family wants and I don't even know if I want to get married at all,"

Considering how openly we spoke about that next step in our relationship, his sudden confession of his true feelings surprised me. I looked at him and he finally met my gaze. There was pain in his light blue eyes and I could tell he felt bad about what he was doing.

I wish I had seen it coming but it seems we were not on the same page and I had no idea. This was a complete blindside to me. I watched him bury his head in his hands. I tried to feel something but there was nothing left. No sadness. No anger. The numbness spread across me and I felt nothing.

"Nate, please just let me deal with telling my family," I murmured, not a flicker of emotion in my voice

"Of course Izzy. I'm sorry, I never wanted to hur-,"

More Than Once | THE WATTPAD DRAFTWhere stories live. Discover now