"Maybe introductions first?" Hyungseo suggested, hesitantly. Hyunjae beamed at him and nodded, glad that someone else was talking instead of just him. 

They went around and introduced themselves.

"Ok.......so you guys are gumihos?" Haknyeon concluded, carefully watching the reactions. Changmin shrugged.

"I painted a gumiho..." Hyungseo covered his mouth in amazement. 

"He was really satisfied, you know. Good job." Younghoon gave a little punch to Hyungseo's shoulders. Hyungseo grinned proudly.

"So how is Chanhee now? He looked like he was in a pretty bad condition." Hyunjae asked.

"He's still knocked out. Possibly from lack of nutrition and those darned chains." Changmin replied.

Chanhee was lying down on the cave floor with Youngjae nursing him beside. He looked very deranged. Those bastards must have done something else other than just chaining him up, Youngjae thought.

They made conversation, asking things here and there. But Joonyoung kept staring at Hwall.

Hwall could feel someone's eyes on him. He turned around to see Joonyoung staring at him with longing eyes. Juyeon was beside Hwall and he moved him closer. Joonyoung felt hurt at the gesture. 

"So, where's your destination?" Younghoon asked. 

"That's actually.....well, the place we are going is confidential." Hyunjae said, scratching his head. 

"But we need to come with you." 

"You can't, wait, why would you need to?"

"Because we healed Sangyeon with Joonyoung hyung's marble. And once he awakes, there might or might not be complications. We need to make sure he's fine, for his sake. And also, we need a proper place to take care of Chanhee." 

Hyunjae took a glance at Sangyeon.

"Sangyeon's gonna kill me." He muttered.

"But what exactly are you guys doing? Going away all of a sudden." Sunwoo finally asked. 

Juyeon and Hyunjae looked at each other. 

"It would be better to explain once we get there. And also once Sangyeon hyung wakes up." Juyeon said. 

No questions were asked. 

It only took another half day to finally reach where Sangyeon, Hyunjae, and Juyeon with Hwall were supposed to go. 

Sunwoo eyed the building gate carefully. It looked pretty worn down and the walls were a bit high he couldn't see what was on the other side. The whole place looked much like an abandoned temple. Well, they were in deep in the mountains away from the capital. 

He looked back at Chanhee who leaned his head on Joonyoung's chest. Sunwoo was about to offer carrying Chanhee on his horse but thought it might seem weird. 

"This is it?" Haknyeon asked, confused. Everyone except the brothers looked confused. Sangyeon had woke up that morning and accepted the explanation by his brothers. He may be stiff but he was not one to not be grateful to his savior. Though he was reluctant to let them accompany. 

Sangyeon jumped off his horse and walked up the steps to the main gate. It was a huge wooden gate with cladded in rusty iron bits here and there. There were vines creeping up on it and moss grew in small bunches all around. Sunwoo kind of thought it might just topple over if he pushed iteven just a tiny bit. But it didn't. 

Instead, the door creaked open and Sunwoo peered in curiously.

"Whoa." exclaimed Hyungseo. 

"This is the place you guys are going to be training?" Hwall asked in amazement. Juyeon nodded. 

Sangyeon got to his horse and pulled it inside. He beckoned them to follow him. 

"This is nice. How come we've never been here before?" Youngjae said, looking around. Changmin and Younghoon shrugged.

After entering through the huge rusty door, they were greeted by a wide compound and buildings surrounding it. There was a small pavilion right in the middle. After the huge compound, just ahead, there was a river coming from the mountain and a stone bridge was built across it. Across the river were more buildings and part of the compound as well. 

Sunwoo looked all around the place. It seemed like a training center ideal for a location deep in the mountains. But why were they here? And Hwall just said the brothers were gonna train here? 

"Wait here for a moment." Sangyeon said after they got to the pavilion. Hyunjae and Juyeon nodded as they got off from their horses. 

"So, since we are here, wherever this is, mind explaining what and why?" Sunwoo asked.

Hyunjae smirked at him. He spread his arms around, gesturing to the whole place.

"Isn't it nice!" he said, twirling around. 

"It is pretty nice. I really want to go there right now." Hyungseo said, pointing at the small bridge. 

Sunwoo frowned and got off his horse. He walked up to Hyunjae and pulled him away.

"Hyung, what is this? Why did you bring them here? What if something dangerous happens to them?" He whispered.

"Relax, Sunwoo. Do you think I would bestow danger upon the ones who helped me?" Hyunjae said.

"But, this place....just one look and you know it's a training ground for the military or whatever you guys are going to train for. I am fine with it. Hyungseo and Haknyeon are fine. But them? What if they try to harm them?" 

"They won't. Trust me." Hyunjae held eye contact with Sunwoo. 

"You guys follow me." Sangyeon got back at that moment. 

Sunwoo turned away and followed Sangyeon with his horse. He kept an eye on Chanhee and the others as they went. They walked until they passed by the river and to other buildings. 

"Joonyoung and your brothers may stay here for the time being. Do you need a doctor to examine his condition?" Sangyeon asked as he stopped in front of a building.

"No, we'll be fine." Sangyeon nodded and opened the door for them. Changmin and Younghoon led their horses by the river and tied them up. The five gumihos went inside the building.

"Rest up. I'll come by again." Sangyeon said and left with the others.

"So, we just gonna stay here?" Youngjae asked. Changmin and Younghoon looked at Joonyoung. Joonyoung looked at Chanhee whom he had laid down on the bed.

"At least, until he gets better."

"So........we are in the middle of a training camp built up by His Majesty himself?" Hyungseo concluded after Hyunjae had explained to him the purpose of their journey. Hyunjae and Juyeon nodded. 

Sunwoo and Haknyeon looked at each other. They had the same expression, what had they got themselves into?

"Ok then, we'll be leaving now since we know you are safe and sound and also our curiosity is satisfied." Haknyeon sat up and turned around. He came face to face with Sangyeon and got startled so bad, he fell down backwards. 

"You are not leaving." Sangyeon said, firmly with his hands behind his back, "None of you are leaving. Including the gumihos."

"What?" Sunwoo stood up at the mention of the gumihos, "Why?"

"I talked to the master here."

"So what?"

"Everyone is staying." 

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