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request from @beth_yeet

Hope you like it!

"Hey dad." Y/N said walking into the compound with Peter hot on her heels.

"Hello." Tony said giving Y/N a hug and Peter a handshake. "Come on in, everyone's waiting for you guys." He said leading the couple to the compound kitchen.

"Guess who?" Peter said knocking on the door frame, turning everyone's heads.

"Hey, you finally made it! Where starving come  sit down."  Steve said as Y/N and Peter smiled and sat down next to each other and across from Tony and Nat.  "So what's new with you guys?"

"Well, I have a job interview at this publishing company tomorrow, and I'm really excited, but also feel like I'm going to barf." Y/N said, as Peter grabbed her hand to reassure her.

"I'm sure you'll do great hunny." Tony said, as Y/N shrugged.

"Anyway, Peter also got a job at the newspaper taking pictures." Y/N said as Peter nodded.

"I wanted to get a real job. I still want to work here Mr. Stark, but I think it's time for me to get another job." Peter said as Tony smiled and shrugged.

"I don't care what you do kid. I support you." Tony said.

After dinner, everyone makes there way tot he theater room to watch a movie, but Peter quickly pulls Tony aside.

"Can I talk to you sir?" Peter asked as Tony nodded and waited for everyone to leave the hall. "Well as you know Y/N and I have been together since high school, so about 5 years, so I think it's about time that we.... well.. that we get married. So I'm asking for your blessing to marry your daughter." Peter said, looking up at Tony with a certain sense of confidence.

"Okay, I'll give you my blessing... If you tell me why you want to marry her." Tony said leaning against the wall, watching Peter stutter a little.

"Why I want to marry her. Well, I mean I remember the first time I met, I was 15 and a total mess, Ben had just died and I just got my spider powers and I was scared, I guess Y/N calmed me down and helped me grieve and then helped me use my powers to the fullest. I guess I fell in love with her our graduation day, she burst into my room and poured a bottle of water on me and told me that I needed to get up if we wanted to get to school on time, I guess it truly showed me how much she cares for me and will not hesitate to take care of me, I guess I want to do the same and take care of her for the rest of her life." Peter said watching Tony's expressionless face.

"Peter," Tony said holding Peter by the shoulder, "I would love for you to be my son-in-law. I couldn't imagine Y/N marrying anyone else." He said, as Peter smiled and gave Tony a hug.

"Thank you."

"Take care of her, yeah?" Tony said as Peter nodded.

"Of course. I promise."

"Hurry up,w here watching James Bond!" Y/N yelled from the other room as Both Tony and Peter laughed and walked back in taking thee seats.

Today is the day that Peter's going to propose to Y/N, he had everything planned, from the drive to the restaurant, to the walk to the park, to the moment he gets down on one knee. Right now he was pacing in front of Y/N's penthouse apartment door. He was so nervous.

"Hey, I'm ready. Let's go!" Y/N uttered, quickly opening her door, surprising Peter. She was dressed in a red dress, that had Peter's jaw drop. "You look nice." Y/N spoke, stringing Peter's tie.

"You look beautiful as well you know." Peter whispered in her ear, before pressing a kiss to her forehead, causing her to blush.

"Come on, we're going to miss our reservations." Y/N said, as Peter nodded and escorted her down to his car. Peter had managed to get a reservation at one of the best restaurants in the city, with a little help from Tony of course. 

Dinner had gone almost perfect, if you don't count The waitress spilling a drink all over Peter's nice suit.

"I'm so sorry sir." The waitress said, quickly grabbing the manager, who gave them a free meal.

"Hey, let's go walk off all that food." Peter said as Y/N nodded and grabbed her coat, gently shrugging it on.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked as Peter shrugged.

"A little sticky, but that's okay," Peter said, "look, do you remember this spot?"

"Yes, this is where we had our first date. We sat on that bench and talked the whole time about school and our hatred for Flash." She responded as they both laughed at the memory.

"Well shall we?" Peter asked, gesturing to the bench as Y/N laughed, but nodded and sat down on the bench.

"Have you ever thought about our future?" Y/N asked, as Peter scoffed and nodded.

"You have no idea." Peter said as Y/N gave him a puzzled look. 

"What do you mean?" She asked, but was quickly cut off by Peter getting down on one knee.

"I've been thinking about out future a lot recently, and I can't not think of my future without you in it babe. So will you marry me and be in my future for the rest of our lives?" Peter asked pulling out a gorgeous diamond ring.

"Of course Peter!" Y/N said, taking Peters hand and dragging him pup to wrap him in a hug. "I love you." She said as Peter smiled an slid the ring onto her finger. 

"I love you too."

(words 955)

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