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"Okay, I'm officially stressed to the max." You said going through all your Advanced Calculus notes. "Can I see your notes?" You asked Peter as he nods and hands over his notebook.

"I'm so ready for this exam. I have a 98 in this class." Peter said as I sighed. "What?" He said wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"I'm just jealous. I have a 70 in this class, and I can not have my average drop. This is the only class I've ever had a mark below 90." I said pouting.

"Aww babe, you'll do great. I speaking of that... I should get home, get some sleep before my exams." He said kissing my forehead before putting on his coat.  "Don't stay up to late, don't want you falling asleep in the middle of the final." He said as you just rolled your eyes and nodded. 

After around an hour of studying that's when you finally threw in the towel and go to sleep, class started at 9:00 for finals, but you still wanted to squeeze in a little studying time. 

"Hey mom." You said walking down the stairs to see your mom making a full on breakfast feast for you, she had made french toast, bacon, eggs, cut up fruit. "When did you get up in time to make this? " You asked as she smiled and shrugged her shoulder. 

"I got up around half an hour ago. It's not that big of a deal, sit then maybe you could run over your notes. Peter called, told me he was coming to pick you up in around 20." She said as you nodded and dug into the delicious breakfast. 

At around 8:30, after you had run over your notes, Peter came in his new car, that Tony Stark had bought for him, to come pick you up. 

"Hey, get some sleep?" He asked as you threw your backpack in the back seat then climbed into the front. 

"Yep. I went to sleep about an hour after you left." You said as he nodded and clapped while you playfully bowed. "Thanks for coming around to pick me up." You said as he nodded and pulled out of your driveway. 

"Of course. I also got you a smoothie and a muffin." He said holding up a bag as I smiled and took the bag. "For now or for later." He said as I smiled and put the bag down. 

"Muffin later, my mom made me a bug breakfast, but I'll have the smoothie now." You said as he nodded and put his hand on top of yours. 

"You're going to do great, then after this, you're all done right?" He said as you nodded and nervously sipped on the smoothe." 

"Thanks, I'm just nervous. They always throw something at you you don't expect." You said as he laughed and nodded. "You're so lucky you don't have to write this one." 

"Yeah, but I have to take my biology departmental." He said as you pointed at him. 

"True. I'm so glad I took physics." You said as he laughed and pulled up to the front to drop you off "Okay, good luck." You said as he lifted your hands and pressed a kiss to the back. 

"You too." You said getting out and waving to him as he went to go park. 

'It will be okay.' 

"Hey, there. How'd it go?" Peter asked as you closed my locker with a big smile on your face. 

"Great, I literally knew what to do for every question. I think it was your notes." You said giving him a big hug. "Thank you so much. How did your bio departmental go?" You asked as he shrugged. 

"Good, I also knew everything on it. Do you want to go out for lunch?" He asked as you grabbed your backpack from the floor. 

"Sure." You said taking his hand and swinging them back and forth. "Thank you for being such a good boyfriend when I'm like this." You said as he made a face at you. 

"Like what?" He asked as you both made your way to his car in the parking lot. 

"Whenever there's a test of final, I tend to shut people out, and I've lost friends because of it. Thank you for not leaving me." You said as he smiled and kissed the back of your hand. 

"Why would I send away one of the most important people in my life?" He asked opening your car door as you playfully rolled your eyes and sat down. As he closed your door and ran to the other side.  "Okay, where do you want to go. Cora's or IHop?"  

(Words 786)  

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