Wired Auto complete Interview (T.H)

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(You will fill the role of Zendaya)

"Hi I'm Y/N L/N"

"I'm Tom Holland." 

"And I'm Jacob Batalon." 

"And we're about to do a weird auto complete interview." I said as Tom gave a thumbs up and took the board that was handed out to us and gave it for me to peel. "Okay first. Is Tom Holland.... Spider man?"

"Yes, I am. Well technically I'm not Spider man. I play someone who's spider man." He said as I nodded and continued on.

"How Tom Holland got Jacked?" We all said before bursting out laughing. "He's not." I said making him pout before laughing.

"Um I train with Jacob, Y/N and Harrison. Not at the same time, but we train." He said showing off his muscles. After a few more questions about Tom we moved on to me.

"Who is Y/N L/N'S..... Boyfriend?" Tom asked wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and smacked his shoulder.

"Tom is my boyfriend. If you guys didn't already know, and we have been dating for 6 months to this day." I said grabbing his hand to give it a squeeze.

"How old is Y/N L/N?"

"I just turned 22 about a week ago. Had a party out in London with Tom and his family and mine together. It was awesome."

"Who does Y/N L/N play in Spider man far from home?"

"I play MJ. She's really cool to play she has such a laded back personality it's refreshing."

After we did Jacob's we all did another round.

"Where does Tom Holland go for his dog walks?" I said laughing. "That's kinda creepy guys."

"I'm not going to give that away. Both me and Tessa like our walks to be private." He said as I peeled off the paper for the next question. 

"Who is Tom Hollands .... girlfriend?" He asked before leaning over and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Does that answer your question."

"Thank you so much for watching." We all said waving before the camera man yelled cut.

One Week Later
"Tom look. Our interview is blowing up." I said pointing at the screen. Tom, who was in the kitchen, came over and sat down  next to me. "Ready the comments. 'I love them together so cute.' 'Eww Tom deserves so much better hit me up.' I said reading the last one.

"That's not true. I love you." He said making me smile. 

"Thanks I love you too."

(Words 409)

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