Flash AKA Eugene

710 17 3

Words: 712

Warnings: Fluff, angst, y/n beating the crap out of flash, bullying,

Basically a double update. Hope you like this cute little story!

 Hope you like this cute little story!

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"Get out my way, loser!" A guy in your french class said, pushing you onto a locker causing g you to drop your books. You were new to the school and still trying to find your way around.

"Oof!" You said, looking up to the boy as he snickered to his friends.

"Watch where your going bitch." He said, as you looked down letting a tear slip down your face, bending down to pick up your books. Just as you where about to grab a book you feel a hand on top of yours and look up to see another boy also bending down to help you.

"Here." He said, a you pulled your hand away to take the book.

"Thank you." You said smiling at him and wiping away the few tears streaming down your face.

"Rough first day. Flash can do that to you," he joked, "do you need help finding your next class?"

"Please, I have no idea where I'm going." You said, as he nodded and held out his hand.

"Let me see your schedule. Oh we mostly have the same classes, just follow me for the day. You can hang out with me and my crew." He said, as you nodded.

"Thanks." You said, following Peter thought the big halls, it was around three or four minutes before he finally stopped in front of the chemistry lab.

"If you tell Mr Gendale, I'm sure he'd let you sit by me." Peter said, as you stood in front of his desk, as you nodded and turned around to introduce yourself to the teacher.

"You must be Y/N, I'm Mr. Glendale. I see you know Parker over there?" Mr. Glendale asked, as you nodded and looked back to see Peter who waved. "You can sit with him, just try not to let him distract you."

"Thank you." You thanked, and quickly spun around to sit next to Peter, as he looked up and smiled a cute gummy smile.

"So, why did you choose mid town?" Peter asked, as you started unpacking your backpack.

"I love science. Always have, never really liked English and art and this is a school focused on science. It just seemed perfect." You said, rubbing the back of your neck before just looking at Peter.

"I get that," Peter said, looking up to make sure the teacher wasn't looking at them.

"Your desk partners are your new permanent partner projects, so get started on the new class project on molecules." The teacher said, as you turned around to face Peter.

"Yo new girl! Sorry you have to work with that loser. I'm sure if you asked he'd do all the work for you." Flash said, laughing with his friends as you rolled your eyes and flipped him off.

Peter chuckled but kept his head down, focusing on the new assignment the teacher had handed out.

Later in the day when Peter and Y/N where eating lunch at the cafeteria, Flash walked by the two and spilled a carton of chocolate milk all over Y/N.

"That's it!" Y/N yelled, shoving her tray to the side before pushing herself away from the table to charge at Flash before punching him straight across the face.

"Y/n!" Peter yelled, prying her off of a bloody nosed Flash.

"Miss Y/N, principle office now!"

"What he deserves it! Let me back at him!" Y/N yelled swinging at Flash again as he yelled and crunched up in a ball on the floor. 

"I don't regret what I did

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"I don't regret what I did. Flash is a dick and deserves what happened to him. Clearly no one here was going to punish him. I think I taught him a legend." Y/N said to the principle as he sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Alright, detention for two weeks and say sorry to Flash. I don't care if you mean it, just say sorry."

"Hey," Peter said, "thanks for beating up Flash for me."

"Of course, no one else was going to.I would want someone to do it for me as well." Y/N said, smiling up at the boy.

Oh dang.

He was pretty cute.

Oh no, you were screwed.

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