Fatherhood (T.H)

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"Please tell me that someone can come over and help watch the kids." You said carrying one baby in your arms while watching the other in the bassinet, while you're older son Nathan, who was two, was still down for his nap.

"Yep, I'm here." Harrison said walking into the nursery. "What can I do?"

"Um... could you feed Ella then try to put her down for a nap? Nathan should be getting up soon." I asked as he nodded and picked up Ella before opening the mini fridge and getting a bottle out.

"I can't wait until Tom's back." You whispered trying not to wake Nathan up, as Harrison nodded.

"He said he should be back tonight. I can watch the kids if you guys want to be alone. So can Charlotte." Haz said as you smiled.

"Thank you." I said as he nodded and put Ella down for her nap.

"Mamma..." You could hear Nathan over the baby monitor.

"I'll take care of Rosie if you go see Nate?" Haz asked as you nodded.

"Hey buddy. Ready for lunch?" You asked as he nodded and reached out for you to pick him up. "Come on." You said walking g down to the kitchen putting Nathan into the highchair. You got out some peas and grated cheese.

"Okay they're both down. What's for lunch?" He asked as you set a ham and cheese sandwich in front of him.  "Thank you so much for helping out Haz, I feel bad for taking you away..." You said as he smiled and shook his head. 

"It's okay, I'm happy to help my niece's and nephew." He said before sitting down beside Nathan.

"Honey I'm HOME!" You heard from the front door and jumped up to see Tom bag in hand.

"Oh my gosh!" You said running over and throwing yourself at him.

"Oof." He said smiling and wrapping his arms around you. "Missed me?"

"Yes, of course. So did Nathan, Ella, and Rosie." You said as Haz came out holding Nathan.

"Hey, guys. I didn't know you were here. Thanks man." Tom said flashing Haz a smile taking Nathan out of his arms.  "Hi." He said as Nathan giggled and his his face in Tom's neck.

"Oh he just woke up from his nap, so he's still waking up." You said as Tom nodded and we all went to the kitchen to eat lunch. "The twins just fell asleep, so you can see them when they wake up." You said as Tom put Nathan back in his high chair.

"I'm so hungry, I forgot to eat my lunch so..." He said taking a bite of the sandwich and nodding. "It's really good, thank you."

"Hey Rosie, Hey Ella." Tom said walking into the twins rooms, they had just woken up and Tom volunteered to take care of them.  "Oh I know, you just woke up. Do you want a bottle?" He asked lifting Ella and putting her down on the floor. "You're both getting so heavy." He said lifting Rose.  "Come on let's go out and see mommy." He said putting them in a carrier and bringing them out to the living room.

"I Love you all so much." He said kissing both of their foreheads and setting them down before taking them out and setting them on the floor mat for their tummy time.

" He said kissing both of their foreheads and setting them down before taking them out and setting them on the floor mat for their tummy time

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They both were rolling aorund when you came in with Nathan. "Let's watch a show together." You said as he nodded and opened his arms for you. You smiled and set Nathan down to play with some toys before curling up next to Tom. "I'm glad you're home."

"Glad to be home." He said looking at the baby monitor, showing both the twins and Nathan asleep. Around an hour later the baby monitor started to make noises, the Ella was awake and probably hungry. Tom quietly got up from the couch without waking you up and made his way to the nusery. "Hey there." Tom said flicking on the lamp to see Ella on her stomach crying. "What's wrong lovie?" He asked pouting and picking her up. "Oh you're hungry aren't you?" He said going over to the mini fridge and getting out the milk and putting in it the milk warmer. 

After the milk was warm he sat down in the rocking chair, gave Ella the bottle, and rocked back and forth trying to put her back to sleep. 

"Tom?" You asked peaking into the nursery seeing Tom and Ella like that made you smile and pull out your phone to take a picture. You picked up the asleep Ella and put her back in the crib. "Goodnight." You said putting a blanket over Tom and kising his forehead, before turning off the lamp and closing the door. 

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