High School Sucks

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"Peter Parker. I can not believe you failed another chemistry exam. You told me you wouldn't fall behind!" You scolded your boyfriend in the halls after getting back the chemistry test results. You of course passed with flying colors, but Peter on the other hand didn't.

He completely failed. A theory eleven percent.

Peter had never got such a tremendous grade before.

"I know I'm sorry." Peter started but you quickly cut him off.

"You knew that if you failed you wouldn't be able to go to my birthday party. Yet you still went out and didn't study. You knew the consequences yet you still went out." You said as a look of guilt spread across Peter's face. "Just leave me alone for the rest of the day. I don't want to sat something I'm going to regret." You say before walking to your next class, leaving Peter behind.

After school you walked home alone, not even bothering waiting for Peter.

"Y/N! Wait up!" You heard Peter from behind you. You sighed but turned around seeing Peter run up to you, out of breath. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Because I'm mad at you." You said as he sighed.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" He asks as you stop walking to look at him again.

"I forgive you Peter, I just need time to cool off and you're not helping!" You said, before catching yourself. "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. School's been really hard, I've been studying non stop. I'm just over worked."

"I get it, school sucks. Maybe we can study together so it won't be as painful to study by yourself?" Peter asked as you nodded and took his hand as you walked back together. "I also called May and told her I failed and she was glad I was honest with her so she said I could go to your party. I just can't go on patrol for a week." He said as you smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, I know how important patrol is for you. It means a lot to me."

"Of course. I do really care about you." He said kissing the back of your hand, as you smiled and continued the walk home together.

(Sorry it's so short. I just thought it was cute. Hope you liked it!)

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