May's "Confession"

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Just a short little Imagine! And a request from @potatoesplaygamestoo
Hope ya'll like it! One more request coming up!

"Hey come on in!" Peter said opening the door to his apartment to his best friend Y/N, who was coming over to hangout and have a sleepover. "I don't know why you could come home with me after school, but whatever." He said as Y/N rolled her eyes.

"I said , I didn't want to bring a duffel and sleeping bag with me to school, besides my mom was home early and drove me here, that's why I was so early." She said, dropping her stuff besides Peter's bed.

"What ever, what do you want to watch first? Star wars or Maze Runner?" Peter asked holding up the cases.

"Star wars, duh!" Y/N said hopping over the couch, grabbing her fluffy blue blanket, she had left at Peter's place. "I'm offended you even offered another option." She said as Peter laughed.

He had always found Y/N funny, she knew what made him laugh and how to comfort him when he was sad, of course Peter would have a crush on her, I mean who wouldn't. He had only told May about his secret, because Ned is always hanging around with Y/N and would totally give his secret away.

"Move over, you're sitting on in between the cushions." Peter said poking Y/N in the side, causing her to jump to the left side of the couch.

"Shut up and watch the movie." Y/N playfully said focusing her attention on the screen, as Peter just laughed, but focused his attention on her soft features. The her forehead wrinkled when she was stressed, the way she fiddled with her sweatshirt because she was conscious about the way she dressed, Peter noticed almost all of it.

The only thing Peter didn't notice was Y/N's feeling for Peter. Y/N basically felt the same for Peter the way he does for her. To say they were both in love was an understatement.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, keep going though, I hate this part." Y/N said as  Peter nodded and lifted the blankets for her to maneuver around.

"He kiddo! I'm home!" May said entering her apartment with a few bags of groceries in hand. Peter quickly stopped the movie and ran to her side to assist with the bags. "Aww theirs Y/N's blanket, did you use it because you like the way she smells?" May asked ruffling Peter's hair.

"May..."He said, but was cut off by her shushing him.

"Why are you ashamed of liking Y/N, she's such a sweet girl, you should tell her you like her, I'm sure she feels the same way. " May says before seeing Peter's wide eyes, she quickly turns around and sees Y/N standing right behind her, eyes also wide open. "I'm just going to go now." May says as Peter nods, and starts blushing.

"You like me?" Y/N asks, as Peter starts stuttering.

"um, I mean yeah... you're one of my best friends..... and you're really pretty........and nice......and......" Peter says as Y/N laughs and presses a kiss to his cheek.

"Peter you idiot, I like you too." Y/N says.

"Wait really?" He asks as she nods. "Then will you be my girlfriend, I mean we've been best friends for literally 5 or 6 years..." He says as Y/N cuts him off by kissing him on the lips this time.

"That's a relief." Y/N says as Peter rolls his eyes and presses his lips to hers again.

(Words 627)

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