Falling Apart (part 3)

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(Words 600)

A/N: Hey yall, i've popped out of nowhere again, honestly I've been on a outerbanks binge so that's that I've been writing, but I had a little 'I need to finish this part' moment and pumped this out in like a hour. So it is short, but it's cute! Hope you like it!

It had been a week since Peter had come home. A week since you had your argument. A week since you kicked him out. 

MJ had come over after and you talked about it all night, before you both passed out on the bed. After she left is when you felt the most alone. The apartment really felt quiet. Peter was back from a mission, but wasn't home. It felt wrong. 

You were able to pick up a very casual part-time job from home in editing youtube video's for one of your popular youtuber friends. It kept your mind off Peter and something to do during the day instead of wallow. 

Peter had tried to call you once and it was when he was drunk, but other than that, nothing. 

Silence for the whole week. 

Once the end of the week had come you saw Peter's car parked outside the house. It had just pulled up and you could see Peter was still sitting in his car, preparing himself for the encounter. 

"Peter?" You asked, knocking on his window. He jumped, clearly surprised to see you outside. He rolled down his window and waved. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm I wanted to try and sort things out. I've had some time to think things over," you sighed and nodded as you turned around to let him into the house. "Have you been sleeping?" 

"Of course not Peter, I have a baby kicking my stomach every 5 minutes!" You exclaimed, as Peter winced and sat down across from your favorite chair. 

"Look, nothing happened between me and Kate on the trip, and I admit that not telling you that she was there was not right and I'm sorry. I was just having a fun time spending time with some super hero's and got caught up in my own little world. When I should have been here with you. I love you and don't want this to tear us apart," Peter pleaded as tears started welling in your eyes. 

"Did kicking you out of the house help you collect your thoughts?" You joked, opening your arms for a well needed hug. 

"Yeah, I was going crazy not being able to feel my both my baby's," he smiled, "but seriously, Ned gave me a reality check that I needed. I should really thank him." You chuckled as he pressed kisses all over your face and then to your clothed tummy. 


"Bro, what the hell are you still doing on my couch for man? I understand like the weekend, but it's been to long," Ned said, patting Peter on the shoulder. 

"I don't know man. I want to give her time but I also need to try and empathize and see things from her perspective," Peter sighed. 

"Yeah, but man it's been a whole week. You haven't even tried to reach out properly, he only time you did call her was the first nigh after you got wasted. I don't want her to think you don't care, because obviously you do, you just need someone to tell you to pick things up. "

Peter was so grateful he had amazing friends like Ned who knew that he needed a little bi of help in this situation, and offered what her could. 

"Well I'm glad that Ned helped you, you should take him out for a drink," you chuckled, "as a little thank you." 

" A 'thank you for saving my marriage and helping me not become homeless?' Yeah sure, I'll text him tomorrow." 

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