Boyfriend Tag (T.H)

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"Hey guys it's Y/N here and today, because you guys insisted I'm doing a boyfriend tag." I said waving my boyfriend, Tom over. "Come here!" I said patting the seat beside me as Tom sat down next to me and waved to the camera.

"Hello!" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheek.

"This is my boyfriend Tom, and how the game works is were going to be asking each other questions and whoever gets the most wrong gets to post something on the others Instagram." I said pulling out my phone. "We'll also be asking questions at the end, that you guys asked on Twitter. Okay first question. Where did we meet?" I asked looking at Tom who looked like he was thinking.

"It was at a photo shoot. You were getting yours done and mine was right after and we both were at the crafts service room at the same time and the rest was history." He said reciting the memory perfectly.

"Yep that's spot on." I said kissing His cheek.

"My turn. Where was our first date?" He asked pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh easy. You took me to a picnic date and then we watched the sunset while dancing." I said sticking out my tongue at him.

"Fine." He said pouting.

"Where was I born?" I said making him stop laughing.

"Um you never told me." He said laughing uncomfortably.

"Yes, I did. The real question is where you listening?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Um Cambridge?" He said as I shook my head.

"No Dumbo. Wales!" A little village on the shore or wales." I said as he "oohed" and nodded.

"Right.  You told me." He said wincing.

"Okay the points are 5 for me and 4 for Tom. So I win!" I said taking his phone and looking through his camera role. "Oh this one!" I said showing the camera a picture of Tom taking a duck face selfie.

"I'm captioning it. My spirit animal is a duck!" I said as Tom laughed and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Okay you can delete it tomorrow." I said as he nodded. "Okay question time. How long have you been dating?"

"Coming up on six months. Best six months of my life!" He said giving me a kiss.

"Shut up. Next question, do you guys live together? Yes we own a home in London together."

"My turn, we are you guys going to do a photo shoot together? Soon Y/N's a model for Calvin Klein so  you may see us soon." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Tom!" I said smacking him across the head. "Sorry everyone. Where was your first kiss?"

"On our first date. While we were dancing." I said batting my eyelashes. "Last question. Who said I Love You first?"

"Me!!" Tom said kissing my cheek. "On our third date." He said proudly. "She said it right back though."

"I did. I was going to say it when you dropped me home." I said as he smiled at me and kissed me again.

"Here's how it went down." He said looking at the camera then looked at me. "I love you"

"I love you too. To the moon and back."

(Words 550)

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