Ch. 11: More than a hug

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The next two weeks Michael and I texted every day, except for when he was busy with rehearsals, concerts and public appearances of some sort. ...which was pretty much all the time. Yes, he was busy. Super busy. But what else was to be expected of one of the world's biggest pop stars? Nevertheless, he always made time for a text here and there, and we were talking on the phone almost every night before we went to bed. It became a routine, sort of.

"...and then LaVelle told her that her hairdo made Albert Einstein's look like a five star. Can you believe that? I almost felt sorry for her."

"Almost?" I giggled.

"Exactly. She's always so rude to everyone, that she actually deserves to be yanked down a few notches."

"Can't you just steal her heels, then? I'm pretty sure a woman like that has heels tall enough to cover up for the lack of brain cells underneath her golden mane. Just like men who drive fancy cars to compensate for the lack of inches in their pants."

"What?" Michael laughed.

"You know. The bigger the car, the smaller you are."

"That's crazy."

I crushed a raspberry candy with my teeth to make it easier to talk, only to forget the purpose and pop a new one into my mouth right after.

"I need to call my manager and tell him to get rid of my limo, then," Michael said, still chuckling.

"No, no. Not that kind of big. Big as in horse power. You know, expensive sports cars and such. Cars with muscles like bodybuilders close to overdosing on steroids. Still though, they barely have enough space to bring a tiny, nip tucked girlfriend and her evil chihuahua. Come to think about it, I don't think big dicks can even fit in cars like that."

Michael was laughing so hard I was sure DeeVana could hear it from across the hall, even with both our doors closed. But she didn't bother to say anything.

"I think you should go for a Beetle. Or maybe a Prius. They're cute."

It took a while before Michael managed to calm down enough from his fit of laughter so he could talk, and I pictured him wiping his tears while his curls poked out in all directions, after rolling around on his bed.

"I've never heard of a cute car before."

"You haven't? Then you should have seen mine," I smirked, trying to keep from giggling.

"Oh? What kind of car is that?"

"I don't know. I haven't bought one yet. But I am saving money for it, though. I think I have about four hundred dollars. No, wait. I spent them on shoes last week. So... Uh."

We laughed like idiots until we both sighed, almost in unison.

"God, I love this," Michael said.

"Cute cars?"

"No, just talk about anything that comes to mind."


"And the fact that you're thinking about my dick is a bonus," he added, with a voice that suddenly sounded deep and mischievous.

"What? I'm not! I wasn't... I mean... No, I didn't mean... Oh, snap. It did sound like that, didn't it?"

I groaned into my pillow, wanting to dig myself to China.

"Well," he chuckled. "How about a Mini Cooper?"

"Oh, I love those!" I exclaimed, insanely relieved that he didn't comment any further on it. But of course...

(18+) RED (Complete) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora